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Nine girls schools enter under 19 basketball - Daily Mirror Tweet this news Mixx

Daily Mirror--Nine schools will be seen in action when the girls All Island under 19 'A' Division basketball championship commences today, Wednesday, 16 at St. Joseph's Convent, -Nugegoda- and St. Paul's, Milagiriya. Teams in group &ap

Tue, 15 Mar 2011 19:30:41 GMT+00:00

Suburbs of Colombo

ColomboBambalapitiya * Bloemendhal * Borella * Cinnamon Gardens * Dematagoda * Fort (Colombo) * Grandpass * Havelock Town * Hultsdorf * Kirilapone * Kollupitiya * Kotahena * Madampitiya * Maligawatta * Maradana * Mattakkuliya * Modera * Mutwal * Narahenpita * Pamankada * Panchikawatte * Pettah * Slave Island * Union Place * Welikada * Wellawatte
Sri J'pura-KotteBattaramulla * Hokandara * Malabe * Nawala * Nugegoda * Pelawatte * Rajagiriya