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GIS Software Product Engineers - (press release) Tweet this news Mixx (press release)--Use and administration of relational databases (SQL Server, Oracle, -Informix-, DB2). Knowledge of or experience in the software development process. Esri software gives organizations the power to think and plan geographically

Mon, 28 Mar 2011 18:04:22 GMT+00:00

Database management systems

ConceptsDatabase * ACID * CRUD * Null * Candidate key * Foreign key * Primary key * Superkey * Surrogate key * Armstrong's axioms
ObjectsRelation (Table) * View * Transaction * Log * Trigger * Index * Stored procedure * Cursor * Partition
ComponentsConcurrency control * Data dictionary * JDBC * ODBC * Query language * Query optimizer * Query plan

IBM DB2 product family

PlatformsDB2 for iSeries * DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows * DB2 for z/OS
EditionsExpress-C * Express * Workgroup Server * Enterprise Server
Related productsDB2 Alphablox * DB2 Connect * DB2 Everyplace * InfoSphere Warehouse * PureQuery
ToolsData Studio * Data Studio Administrator * Data Studio Developer * InfoSphere Data Architect
FeaturespureXML * SQL return codes
CommunityChannelDB2 * DB2 Magazine * developerWorks * International DB2 Users Group