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Jobless rate up sharply in Coshocton County, to 12.3% - Coshocton Tribune Tweet this news Mixx

Coshocton Tribune--Coshocton County was 24th among -Ohio's- 88 counties for joblessness. -Holmes County- was 86th, Licking County was 70th and Muskingum County was 10th. -Ohio's- unemployment rate was 9.4 percent in January, down from the revise

Wed, 09 Mar 2011 16:18:51 GMT+00:00

Municipalities and communities of Holmes County, Ohio

County seat: Millersburg
VillagesBaltic � * Glenmont * Holmesville * Killbuck * Loudonville � * Millersburg * Nashville
TownshipsBerlin * Clark * Hardy * Killbuck * Knox * Mechanic * Monroe * Paint * Prairie * Richland * Ripley * Salt Creek * Walnut Creek * Washington
Berlin * Big Prairie * Charm * Lakeville * Mount Hope * Walnut Creek * Winesburg
Footnotes�This populated place also has portions in an adjacent county or counties