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Italian citrus volumes to decline 2010/11 - FreshPlaza Tweet this news Mixx

FreshPlaza---...- Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily, Sardinia) and to a minor extent in some areas of few central (Tuscany and Latium) and northern (-Liguria-) Italy. ...

Mon, 31 Jan 2011 14:35:15 GMT+00:00

Liguria Liguria

and places
Genoa * Imperia * La Spezia * Savona
Politics and
Elections in Liguria * List of Presidents of Liguria

IT topics

Prehistory * Etruscan Civilization * Magna Graecia * Ancient Rome (Kingdom * Republic * Empire) * Regnum Italicum * Middle Ages * Years of the 12th - 14th century * Renaissance * Italian Wars * Foreign domination * Unification * Monarchy and the World Wars * Republic * Historical states * Fashion history * Wine history * Language history * Railway history * Postal history * History of the Jews * Citizenship history * Musical history
Judiciary and legal system * Constitution * Constitutional Court * Supreme Court * Nationality law * Crime * Law enforcement * Capital punishment
President * Parliament * Senate * Prime Minister * Chamber of Deputies * Elections * Political parties * Political scandals
AreasAlps * Apennines * Northern * Central * Southern * Insular Italy
TopicsMajor cities * Cities by population * Metropolitan areas * Regions by area * Islands * National parks * Plants * Regions * Regional rankings * Volcanism * Volcanoes * Provinces * Municipalities
Economic history under Fascism * Post-war economic mircale * Currency history * Bank of Italy * Companies * Stock exchange * Nuclear energy * Renewable energy * Taxation * Transportation * Automotive industry * Communications * Tourism * Banking * Euro coins * Regions by GDP (PPP) * Regions per capita (nominal) * Economic growth and statistics
Military history * Army * Navy * Air force * Carabinieri * Wars involving Italy
Regions by population * Immigration * Education * Healthcare * International rankings
Adoption * Abortion * Social class * Customs and etiquette * Women * Media * Telecommunications * Public Holidays * Health and nutrition * LGBT rights * Newspapers * Radio * Television * Internet * Scouting and Guiding
Cultural history (14th century) * Cultural history (15th century) * Cultural history (16th century) * Cultural history (17th century) * Cultural history (18th century) * Architecture * Art * Sculpture * Cinema * Cuisine * Folklore * Folk dance * Languages and dialects * Design * Literature * Theatre * Philosophy * Science and technology * Music * Opera * Sport * Fashion * Wines * Alcoholic beverages and beer * Olympics * World Heritage Sites
Freedom of religion * Religious minority politicians * Christianity (Roman Catholicism * Old Catholicism * Eastern Orthodoxy * Protestantism * Baptism) * Judaism * Islam * Buddhism * Hinduism * Sikhism * Bahá'í * Neopaganism * Witchcraft * Cathedrals * Basilicas
Ancient people * List of people (Actors * Actresses * Architects * Billionaires * Chefs and cooks * Comedians * Composers * Designers * Explorers * Filmmakers * Painters * Poets * Politicians * Writers)
Coat of arms * National flag * Regional flags