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OnShift Secures $2.3 Million in Venture Capital Investment - PR Newswire (press release) Tweet this news Mixx

PR Newswire (press release)--Draper Triangle Ventures is the Midwest-based partner of -Draper Fisher Jurvetson-, the Silicon Valley-based venture capital powerhouse focusing on seed and ...

Mon, 06 Dec 2010 13:03:51 GMT+00:00

Private equity and venture capital investment firms

Investment strategyVenture * Growth * Mezzanine * Secondaries
HistoryHistory of private equity and venture capital * Early history of private equity * Private equity in the 1980s * Private equity in the 1990s * Private equity in the 2000s
InvestorsInstitutional Investors * Pension funds * Insurance companies * Endowments * Investment Banks * Commercial Banks * Fund of funds * High net worth individuals * Angel investors * Family offices * Sovereign wealth funds