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Board to open financing bids for motorgraders - York News-Times Tweet this news Mixx

York News-Times--Ann -Charlton-, county assessor, will be recommending that the pieces of property, which include the actual church and a related house (the parsonage), ...

Mon, 09 Aug 2010 06:17:44 GMT+00:00

Municipalities and communities of Saratoga County, New York

County seat: Ballston Spa
CitiesMechanicville * Saratoga Springs
TownsBallston * Charlton * Clifton Park * Corinth * Day * Edinburg * Galway * Greenfield * Hadley * Halfmoon * Malta * Milton * Moreau * Northumberland * Providence * Saratoga * Stillwater * Waterford * Wilton
VillagesBallston Spa * Corinth * Galway * Round Lake * Schuylerville * South Glens Falls * Stillwater * Victory * Waterford
CDPsCountry Knolls * Lake Luzerne-Hadley � * Milton
Bloodville * Burnt Hills * Crescent * Gansevoort * Rexford * Rock City Falls * Vischer Ferry * West Milton
Footnotes�This populated place also has portions in an adjacent county or counties