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Luke McShane whips up a storm - Tweet this news Mixx c6 0-1 -David- Howell is competing at The Biel Young Grandmasters Tournament. The organisers have assembled many of the world's leading young players. ...

Thu, 22 Jul 2010 10:54:04 GMT+00:00

Imperial Interior Secretaries
(1871 �1918) German Empire
Karl Hofmann * Karl Heinrich von Boetticher * Arthur von Posadowsky-Wehner * Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg * Clemens von Delbrück * Karl Helfferich * Max Wallraf * Karl Trimborn
Weimar Republic
(1918 �1933) Weimar Republic
Friedrich Ebert * Hugo Preuß * Eduard David * Erich Koch-Weser * Georg Gradnauer * Adolf Köster * Rudolf Oeser * Wilhelm Sollmann * Karl Jarres * Martin Schiele * Otto Geßler * Wilhelm Külz * Walter von Keudell * Carl Severing * Joseph Wirth * Wilhelm Groener * Wilhelm von Gayl * Franz Bracht
Nazi Germany
(1933 �1945) Nazi DE
Wilhelm Frick * Heinrich Himmler * Paul Giesler * Wilhelm Stuckart
German Democratic Republic
(1949 �1990) GDR
Karl Steinhoff * Karl Maron * Friedrich Dickel * Lothar Ahrendt * Peter Michael Diestel
Federal Republic of Germany
(1949 �) DE
Gustav Heinemann * Robert Lehr * Gerhard Schröder * Hermann Höcherl * Paul Lücke * Ernst Benda * Hans-Dietrich Genscher * Werner Maihofer * Gerhart Baum * Jürgen Schmude * Friedrich Zimmermann * Wolfgang Schäuble * Rudolf Seiters * Manfred Kanther * Otto Schily * Wolfgang Schäuble * Thomas de Maizière