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S.African hospital links six baby deaths to poor hygiene - AFP Tweet this news Mixx

AFP---Mahlangu- ruled out negligence among the nurses, saying a chain of events prevented them from meeting hygiene standards. "In some cases there were not enough ...

Wed, 21 Jul 2010 16:16:13 GMT+00:00

1 . Berglund 4 . Bergholtz 5 . Patronen 6 . Mahlangu 7 . Lindström 8 . Gashi 9 . Sundin 10 . M.Lantz 11 . Porcellis 14 . Edman 15 . Holgersson 16 . Makondele 19 . Jönsson 21 . C.Andersson 23 . Wahlstedt 24 . Nilsson 25 . Holmqvist 26 . Ekstrand 30 . Hansson
. Karlsson