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Yorkshire and the Humber

NameYorkshire and the Humber
Short NameYorkshire and the Humber
Area Km215,420
Area Mi25,953
Area Rank5th
EuroYorkshire and the Humber
Population5,142,400 (2006)
Population Rank6th
Gva Rank8th
Development AgencyYorkshire Forward
BoardLocal Government Yorkshire and Humber

     Home | England region | Yorkshire and the Humber

Yorkshire and the Humber is one of the nine regions of England and formally one of the government office regions. It covers most of the historic county of Yorkshire, along with the part of northern Lincolnshire that was, from 1974 to 1996, within the former shire county of Humberside. The population in 2006 was 5,142,400. The British Government has announced its intention to abolish Government Offices (for the Regions) no later than 31 March 2011.

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