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United Nations Charter

United Nations Charter
UN Charter signing ceremony
NameUnited Nations Charter
Image Width240px
CaptionUN Charter signing ceremony
Date Signed26 June 1945
Location SignedSan Francisco, California, United States
Date Effective24 October 1945
Condition EffectiveRatification by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, United States and by a majority of the other signatory states.
WikisourceCharter of the United Nations

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The Charter of the United Nations is the foundational treaty of the international organization called the United Nations. It was signed at the San Francisco War Memorial and Performing Arts Center in San Francisco, United States, on 26 June 1945, by 50 of the 51 original member countries (Poland, the other original member, which was not represented at the conference, signed it later). It entered into force on 24 October 1945, after being ratified by the five permanent members of the Security Council-the Republic of China (later replaced by the People's Republic of China), France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (later replaced by the Russian Federation), the United Kingdom, and the United States-and a majority of the other signatories. Today, 193 countries are the members of the United Nations.

As a charter, it is a constituent treaty, and all members are bound by its articles. Furthermore, the Charter states that obligations to the United Nations prevail over all other treaty obligations. Most countries in the world have now ratified the Charter. One notable exception is the Holy See, which has chosen to remain a permanent observer state and therefore is not a full signatory to the Charter.

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