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Traditional pop music

Music genre
NameTraditional pop music
Stylistic originsBroadway theatre • Swing • Dance music
Cultural originsEarly 20th century United States
Typical instrumentsVocals • ClarinetSaxophoneTrumpetTrombonePianoDouble bass • Keyboards • Electric guitars • Acoustic guitars • Drums
Mainstream popularityWorldwide 20th Century
Subgenre listList of popular music genres
Fusion genresPop music

     Home | Music Genre | Traditional pop music

Traditional pop or classic pop or standards music denotes, in general, Western (and particularly American) popular music that either wholly predates the advent of rock and roll in the mid-1950s, or to any popular music which exists concurrently to rock and roll but originated in a time before the appearance of rock and roll, and its offshoots, as the dominant commercial music of the United States and Western culture. (For a definition of "Traditional pop" see.) The terms pop standards or (where relevant) American standards are used to denote the most popular and enduring songs from this style of music. More generally, the term "standard" can be used to describe any popular song that has become very widely known within mainstream culture.

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