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Sandaun Province

Sandaun Province
Full nameSandaun Province
Official nameSandaun Province
Other nameWest Sepik Province
Settlement typeProvince
CountryPapua New Guinea
DistrictsAitape-Lumi District
Nuku District
Telefomin District
Vanimo-Green River District
GovernorSimon Solo (2007-)
Total Area14011.8 sq mi (36300 km2)
Total Population185790 (2000)
Density (pop.)auto/km2 (0/sq mi)
Other information
Time zoneAEST (UTC+10)

     Home | Papua New Guinea Province | Sandaun Province

Sandaun Province, officially West Sepik Province, is the north-westernmost province of Papua New Guinea. It covers an area of 36,300 km2 and has a population of 185,741 (2000 census). The capital is Vanimo. In July 1998 the area surrounding the town Aitape suffered from an enormous tsunami in which killed over 2,000 people in total.

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