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Parliament of Norway

NameThe Norwegian Parliament
Native NameStorting
Background Color#BE8C3D
Text Color#FFFFFF
Coa PicStortinget logo.svg
Session RoomNor Storting.jpg
Session Res270px
House TypeUnicameral
Leader1 TypePresident of the Storting
Leader1Dag Terje Andersen
Election18 October 2009
Members169 (since 2005)
Political Groups1  Ap (64)
  FrP (41)
  H (30)
  SV (11)
  Sp (11)
  KrF (10)
  V (2)
Last Election114 September 2009
Meeting PlaceParliament Building, Oslo
Structure1Mandatfordeling stortingsvalget 2009.svg
Structure1 Res240px

     Home | Legislature | Parliament of Norway

The Storting ( ) is the supreme legislature of Norway, located in Oslo. The unicameral parliament has 169 members, and is elected every four years based on party-list proportional representation in nineteen plural member constituencies. The assembly is led by a presidium of a president and five vice presidents; since 2009 Dag Terje Andersen has been president. The members are allocated to twelve standing committees, as well as four procedural committees. Almost all public agencies of Norway are subordinate to the government, but three ombudsmen, the Parliamentary Intelligence Oversight Committee and the Office of the Auditor General are directly subordinate to parliament.

Parliament was established by the Constitution of Norway in 1814 and has since 1866 met in the Parliament of Norway Building, designed by Emil Victor Langlet. Parliamentarianism was established in 1884, and until 2009 the parliament was a qualified unicameralism with two chambers: the Lagting and the Odelsting. Following the 2009 election, seven parties are represented in parliament: the Labour Party (64 representatives), the Progress Party (41), the Conservative Party (30), the Socialist Left Party (11), the Centre Party (11), the Christian Democratic Party (10) and the Liberal Party (2).

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