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Pacific Island Labourers Act 1901

ParliamentParliament of Australia| image=| long_title=An Act to provide for the Regulation, Restriction and Prohibition of the Introduction of Labourers from the Pacific Islands and for other purposes.| introduced_by=| date_passed=| royal_assent=17 December 1901| commencement=| amendments=1906| related_legislation=Immigration Restriction Act 1901| status=Repealed

     Home | AU Legislation | Pacific Island Labourers Act 1901

The 'Pacific Island Labourers Act 1901' was an Act of the Parliament of Australia which was designed to facilitate the mass deportation of nearly all the Pacific Islanders working in Australia. Along with the Immigration Restriction Act 1901, enacted six days later, it formed an important part of the White Australia policy. In 1901, there were approximately 10,000 Pacific Islanders working in Australia, most in the sugar cane industry in Queensland and northern New South Wales, many working as indentured labourers. The Act ultimately resulted in the deportation of approximately 7,500 Pacific Islanders.

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