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Oregon Legislative Assembly

NameOregon Legislative Assembly
Coa PicOregon state seal.png
Session RoomOregon_State_Capitol_1.jpg
House TypeBicameral
House of Representatives
Leader1 TypePresident of the Senate
Leader1Peter Courtney
Election1January 14, 2003
Leader2 TypeCo-Speaker of the House
Leader2Bruce Hanna
Election2January 10, 2011
Leader3 TypeCo-Speaker of the House
Leader3Arnie Roblan
Election3January 10, 2011
Political Groups1Democratic Party
Republican Party
Last Election1November 2, 2010
Meeting PlaceOregon State Capitol, Salem

     Home | Legislature | Oregon Legislative Assembly

The Oregon Legislative Assembly is the state legislature for the U.S. state of Oregon. The Legislative Assembly is bicameral, consisting of an upper and lower house: the Senate, whose 30 members are elected to serve four-year terms; and the House of Representatives, with 60 members elected to two-year terms. There are no term limits for either house in the Legislative Assembly.

Each Senate district is composed of exactly two House districts: Senate District 1 contains House Districts 1 and 2, SD 2 contains HD 3 and HD 4, and so on. (Maps of Senate districts can be found in the Oregon State Senate article.)

The legislature is termed as a "citizens' assembly" (meaning that most legislators have other jobs.) Its regular sessions occur in odd-numbered years, beginning on the second Monday in January.

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