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Oecusse District

Oecusse District
Full nameOecusse
Native nameOe-Kusi Ambenu
Native name langtet
CountryEast Timor
CapitalPante Macassar
Total Area314.6 sq mi (815 km2)
Area rank8th
Total Population57469 (6th) (2004)
Density (pop.)auto/km2 (4th) (0/sq mi)
Total13,659 (as of 2004)
Other information
Time zoneUTC+9 (UTC)
ISO 3166 codeTL-OE

     Home | East Timor District | Oecusse District

Oecusse ( , also variously Oecussi, Ocussi, Oekussi, Oekusi, Okusi, Oé-Cusse, former Oecussi-Ambeno) is a district of East Timor. It is a coastal exclave in the western part of the island of Timor, separated from the rest of East Timor by West Timor, which is part of the province of Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia, and which surrounds Oecusse in all directions except the north, where it borders the Savu Sea. The capital of the district is Pante Macassar, also called Ocussi Town, or formerly, in Portuguese Timor, as Vila Taveiro.

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