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Non-metropolitan district

NameNon-metropolitan district
Alt NameShire district
Upper UnitNon-metropolitan county
Current Number256
Number Date2009
Legislation BeginLocal Government Act 1972
Start Date1 April 1974
Typetwo-tier (201)
Type1unitary and Berkshire (55)
Status1Royal borough

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Non-metropolitan districts, or colloquially shire districts, are a type of local government district in England. As created, they are sub-divisions of non-metropolitan counties (colloquially shire counties) in a so-called "two-tier" arrangement. In the 1990s, several non-metropolitan counties were created that are unitary authorities and also have non-metropolitan district status. A third category is the districts of Berkshire, which are non-metropolitan districts that are unitary authorities, but without non-metropolitan county status.

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