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Broadcasting network
TypeBroadcast radio network
and Broadcast television network
AvailabilityNationwide and Worldwide
Slogan ("Straightforward, earnest")
AreaShibuya, Tokyo
OwnerPublic Broadcast
Launch dateMarch 22, 1925 (radio)
1950 (television)
Former namesJapanese Radio Station (1925-26)


TV Channel information
General TVDigital � Ch 1 (Tokyo)
Digital � Ch 2 (Osaka)
Digital � Ch 3 (Nagoya)
Educational TVDigital- Ch 2 (Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya)
BS-1Digital-Ch 101
BS-PREMIUMDigital- Ch 103

     Home | TV Channel | NHK

NHK ( , Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai; official English name: Japan Broadcasting Corporation) is Japan's national public broadcasting organization. NHK, which has always identified itself to its audiences by the English pronunciation of its initials, is a publicly owned corporation funded by viewers' payments of a television license fee.

NHK operates two terrestrial television services (NHK General TV and NHK Educational TV), two satellite television services (NHK BS-1 and NHK BS Premium, both now a High-definition television service), and three radio networks (NHK Radio 1, NHK Radio 2, and NHK FM).

NHK also provides an international broadcasting service, known as NHK World. NHK World is composed of NHK World TV, NHK World Premium, and the shortwave radio service NHK World Radio Japan. World Radio Japan also makes some of its programs available on the internet.

NHK Video

ã2010å¹´ 第61å NHKç´ç½æ­åæ¦ãæ­å±æ²çºå£²ï¼ã¶æåã«ã©ã¸ãªã§ãªã³ã¨ã¢ããããã®ç´å¾ãããªã¯ã¨ã¹ããååãã殺å°ï¼ ç¥æ¯ã®è¨èãæãåºãèªèº«ã®åçã表ç¾ããã"å·æ³£å¿é ""10å¹´ã«ä¸åº¦ã®åæ²"ã¨é¨ããã楽æ²ã¯ã æç·åãåãããã£ã¼ãã§ã第ï¼ä½ãç²å¾ï¼ ç¾å¨åæ¹é¢ã§è©±é¡æ²¸é¨°ä¸­ã®ï¼æ²ï¼ ãã¼ã¿ã«ãã­ãã¥ã¼ãµã¼ã«å¯ºå²¡å¼äººãè¿ãã彼女ã®ãã¼ã½ãã«ãªé¨åã赤裸ãã«è¡¨ç¾ããããã¢ã«ãã ããããã®ããããã¡ããªã¼ãæ²ã ãªãã£ã·ã£ã«ãµã¤ãï¼ ãªãã£ã·ã£ã«ãã­ã°ï¼
10.07 min. | 4.52 user rating
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6.50 min. | 4.82 user rating
第76åNHKå¨å½å­¦æ ¡é³æ¥½ã³ã³ã¯ã¼ã«ä¸­å­¦æ ¡ã®é¨ 課é¡æ²ãYELLï¼ã¨ã¼ã«ï¼ã ä½è©ã»ä½æ²ï¼æ°´é è¯æ¨¹ï¼ãããã®ãããï¼ ç·¨æ²ï¼é·¹ç¾½ å¼æãããã®ããã両Aé¢ã·ã³ã°ã«ãYELL/ããããµãã (ESCL-3280ï¼ï¿¥1020 tax in) çºå£²ä¸­ï¼ï¼ï¼
4.12 min. | 4.88 user rating âã¦ã¼ãã¥ã¼ãããã³ãã³åç»ãªã©ãã©ããæ ç»ãããUPããã¾ãã NHKã®å¤§æ²³ãã©ããè¦ã¾ããã ãããªã®ã¯ã©ãã§ãããï¼ ã»ã»ã»ã»ã»ã»ã»ã»ã»ã»ã»ã»ã»ã»ã» NHKã大河ãã©ãã¯ç¯¤å§«ï¼ é«è¦è´ççªçµã§ãããã£ã¡ãæå¤ã«é«è¦è´çã ã¦ã¼ã¢ã¢ã大äºãã­ï¼ï¼
1.15 min. | 2.89 user rating
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4.83 min. | 4.88 user rating
DigInfo TV - 19 Sharp, NHK 85-Inch Direct-View LCD Compatible with Super Hi-Vision
1.40 min. | 4.92 user rating
â ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ â flumpoolå²ä¸æ大è¦æ¨¡ã¨ãªããããã¾ã¹ã¼ãã¼ã¢ãªã¼ã2DAYSã®éå¬æ±ºå®ï¼ â ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ ââ â flumpool Special Live 2011 ãPresent ï½ãããã¨ã祭ãï¼ä»å®µã¯æ­ããï¼è¸ãå°½ãããï¼ï½ã at ãããã¾ã¹ã¼ãã¼ã¢ãªã¼ã2011å¹´12æ10æ¥ï¼åï¼ï½Day of proof "証"ï½ OPEN 16:00 / START 17:00 2011å¹´12æ11æ¥ï¼æ¥ï¼ï½Day of promise "ç´æ"ï½ OPEN 15:00 / START 16:00 â詳細ã¯flumpoolãªãã£ã·ã£ã«ãµã¤ãã¾ã§ï¼ â â âNEW Single ã証ã 2011.9.7 RELEASE â¼ååéå®ç¤ï¼CD+DVDï¼ AZZS-5 Â¥1680(tax in) â¼é常ç¤ï¼CDï¼ AZCS-2015 Â¥1260(tax in) ãåé²æ²ã M1:証 â»ç¬¬78åNHKå¨å½å­¦æ ¡é³æ¥½ã³ã³ã¯ã¼ã«ã»ä¸­å­¦æ ¡ã®é¨èª²é¡æ² / NHKãã¿ããªã®ããã2011å¹´8æ-9æã®æ°æ²M2:è¦éã¢ã¤ãã³ãã£ã㣠â»æ¥æ¬ãã¬ãç³» & J SPORTS ã©ã°ãã¼ã¯ã¼ã«ãã«ããçªçµã¤ã¡ã¼ã¸ã½ã³ã°M3: for no one M4:証ï½flumpoolÃChoirï½ åå±ver. M5:証ï¼Instrumentalï¼ M6:è¦éã¢ã¤ãã³ãã£ãã£ï¼Instrumentalï¼ â»åé²æ²ã¯ãååéå®ç¤ã»éå¸¸ç¤ å±éã¨ãªãã¾ãã ãååéå®ç¤ï¼CD+DVDï¼ ãã¬ãã¢ã ãã¯ã¤ãããã±ã¼ã¸ã âã証ã混声ä¸é¨åå±è­é¢ä» â»ãã¡ãã®åå±è­é¢ã¯ãã®CDã«åé²ããã¦ããã証ï½flumpoolÃChoirï½ åå±ver.ãã®è­é¢ã¨ãªãã¾ãã âã証ï½flumpoolÃChoirï½ åå±ver.ãMusic Video â»ããã§ããè¦ãããªãã証ï½flumpoolÃChoirï½ åå±ver.ãã®Music Videoãå®å¨åé²ï¼ âã¡ã³ãã¼æ®ãä¸ããã¤ã³ã¿ãã¥ã¼ âã証ãMusic Video ãã­ã¥ã¡ã³ã¿ãªã¼æ å âã証ããã¢ã¼ã¹ãã¼ã¸æ åï¼å±±æé太ã½ã­ver.) â»4th tour 2011ãFantasia of Life Stripe ï½åéã¯ããã«ããï½ããã証ãæ¼å¥æãã¹ãã¼ã¸ã«æ ãåºããã¦ããå±±æé太ã®æ åãå®å¨åé²ï¼
5.55 min. | 4.91 user rating
Tiara 2010.4.7ãªãªã¼ã¹3rdã·ã³ã°ã«ãLove isã»ã»ã» with KG / 好ãã§ãããã¦ã âNHKãã±ã¼ã¿ã¤çºãã©ã æ¿æï½éå½ã®ã©ãã¹ãã¼ãªã¼ï½ãæ¿å¥æ­ â»5/12ãªãªã¼ã¹ 1stã¢ã«ãã  ãMessage for youãã«åé²ããã¦ãã¾ãã
4.10 min. | 4.89 user rating NHKããã¿ã´ã©ã¹ã¤ãããã®ãã­ãã£ã ç§ãã¡ã¯çæ´»ã®ä¸­ã§ããã³ãã¼ã«ãç®±ã¨ãã¦ã¨ããã¦ãã¾ãã ã¡ãã£ã¨è¦ç¹ãå¤ãã¦ã¿ã¾ãããã ãã³ãã¼ã«ãéã¨ãã¦ã¨ããã¦ã¿ã¾ãããã ããã¦ãã®éãã¤ãªãã¦ã¿ã¾ãããã ï¼ã¤ã®ã³ã¼ã¹ããããï¼ã¤ã®äººçã«ãªãã®ã§ãã ç©äºã«ã¯å¿ãçµãããããã¾ãã çµããã¨å§ã¾ããã¤ãªãç¶ãããã¨ã§æ°¸é ãçã¾ããã®ã§ãã Produced by HOTSTEAL
0.52 min. | 2.98 user rating
ããªãåã«æ¾ã£ãé³å£°ãã¡ã¤ã«ãä¸ã¤ã«ã¾ã¨ãã¾ããã ããããã«ã¤ãã¦ã®æ­£ç¢ºãªä½¿ç¨ã¿ã¤ãã³ã°ãã¬ãã«ç­ã¯ãããããã¾ããã
1.17 min. | 4.83 user rating

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NHK World HD to launch on Freesat - Digital Spy Tweet this news
Digital Spy--Freesat has today announced that news channel -NHK- World will launch in high definition on the subscription-free satellite platform in May. When it launches, -NHK- World HD will become the first news channel ... - Date : Fri, 01 Apr 2011 08:37:42 GMT+00:00
Japanese Dog Adrift For 3 Weeks Reunited with Owner - Voice of America Tweet this news
Voice of America--Images on Japan's -NHK- TV showed the medium-sized brown dog, named "Ban," wagging her tail in the arms of her owner Monday at an animal shelter in the quake-battered region of Miyagi. Ban was plucked off the wreck - Date : Mon, 04 Apr 2011 17:28:22 GMT+00:00
TEPCO putting radioactive water in the sea - Herald de Paris Tweet this news
Herald de Paris--TOKYO (-NHK- World) - Tokyo Electric Power Company has begun disposing of wastewater containing low-level radioactive substances into the sea from the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in a bid to stabilize ... - Date : Tue, 05 Apr 2011 00:26:58 GMT+00:00
Radioactive Fish and Birds: Dangers from Japan? - Mother Jones Tweet this news
Mother Jones--According to -NHK-, "the detected level of iodine-131 was 79.4 becquerels per liter, twice the legal standard for water discharged from nuclear plants." This information follows news that has been coming out in dribs and dr - Date : Mon, 04 Apr 2011 22:51:52 GMT+00:00
Death toll from twin disasters in Japan nears 12000 - RIA Novosti Tweet this news
RIA Novosti--The confirmed death toll in Japan's 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami grew to 11734, the -NHK- TV channel said on Friday. The total death toll from the disaster could rise much higher as 16375 are listed as missing. The twin disaster - Date : Fri, 01 Apr 2011 17:56:58 GMT+00:00
Reuters, CNN, and NHK Offices Attacked in Gaza - The Epoch Times Tweet this news
The Epoch Times--CNN and Japanese media -NHK- were also attacked. The approximately 10 men took away a video camera after they said they saw a reporter filming a demonstration. One Reuters journalist was hit in the arm with a metal bar and another was tol - Date : Mon, 21 Mar 2011 03:16:37 GMT+00:00
Japan's JX Holdings resumes gasoline production - NHK - Reuters Africa Tweet this news
Reuters Africa--TOKYO, March 21 (Reuters) - JX Nippon Oil & Energy Corp, an oil refining unit of JX Holdings , resumed operations at its Negishi refinery in Yokohama on Monday, outside Tokyo, -NHK- broadcaster said. The refinery, which produces 27 - Date : Mon, 21 Mar 2011 01:48:21 GMT+00:00
Restoring Power to Fukushima Plant to 'Take Time', NHK Says - Bloomberg Tweet this news
Bloomberg--s stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant may “take time,” -NHK- reported, without saying where it got the information. The company is trying to use a transmission line originally used to take power away from the plant to bring it back to re - Date : Fri, 18 Mar 2011 17:46:10 GMT+00:00
Residents In Fukushima Village Told Not To Drink Water After Radiation ... - Wall Street Journal Tweet this news
Wall Street Journal--TOKYO (Dow Jones)--Residents in a village in Japan's quake and tsunami-hit northeast have been told not to drink tap water after radiation levels were found to be more than three times higher than recommended levels, -NHK- said M - Date : Sun, 20 Mar 2011 23:13:41 GMT+00:00
Reactor cooling efforts missing mark: BC expert - Tweet this news this photo made off -NHK- TV video footage, a Japan Self-Defense Force helicopter dumps water over the No. 3 unit of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant Thursday. AP Photo/-NHK- TV A Delta, BC, company says it's trying to help correct mis - Date : Sat, 19 Mar 2011 17:37:18 GMT+00:00

Big Wolf on Campus’’ (2002-2003) * ’’BuBu ChaCha’’ * ’’Caillou’’(1998-present) * ’’Cardcaptor Sakura’’ (1998-2002) * ’’Dynamic China’’ (2007-) * ’’Doctor Who’’ * ’’Doug’’ * ’’Dungeons & Dragons’’ (1996-2002) * ’’Eigo de Shabera Night’’ (2002-2009) * ’’Futatsu no Spica’’ * ’’Future Boy Conan’’ (1978) * ’’Guardian of the Sacred Spirit’’ (2007-) * ’’Goosebumps’’ (1998-1999) * ’’J-Melo’’ (2005-) * ’’Kaitai-Shin Show’’ * ’’Kōhaku Uta Gassen’’ * ’’Kyo Kara Maoh!’’ * ’’MAJOR’’ (2004-2009) * ’’Minna no Uta’’ (1961-ongoing) * ’’Morizzo and Kiccoro’’ (2005 Aichi World Expo season) * ’’Mujin Wakusei Survive’’ * ’’Mysterious Cities of Gold’’ (1982-1983) |valign=top| * ’’Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water’’ (1990-1991) * ’’Oshin’’ (1983-1984) * ’’Pants Pankuro’’ (2004-2008) * ’’The Pirates of Dark Water’’ (1993) * ’’Planetes’’ * Questa * ’’Sesame Street’’ (1971-2004) * ’’Shibawanko no Wa no Kokoro’’ * ’’Shirasu Jiro’’ (2009) * ’’Snow Princess’’ * ’’SpongeBob SquarePants’’ (2002-present) * ’’Sports Kyoushitsu’’ * ’’Star Wars: The Clone Wars’’ * ’’Taiga drama’’ * ’’Tales from the Darkside’’ * ’’Ten Minutes Box’’ * ’’The Nightmare Room’’ (2002-2003) * ’’Tsubasa Chronicle’’ * ’’TV Colosso’’ (1993-1997) * ’’UFO Baby’’ (2000-02) * ’’Visions of Light’’ * ’’Yat Anshin Uchuu Ryokou’’ (1996-1998) * ’’Zettai Shonen’’ (“Absolute Boy”) (2004 � 2005)>
Other :

Terrestrial television networks in Japan

CommercialAll-Nippon News Network * Fuji News Network * Japan News Network * Nippon News Network * TXN * Independent UHF Station
NHKNHK General TV * NHK Educational TV

Broadcast radio networks in Japan

AMJRN (Japan Radio Network) * NRN (National Radio Network)
FMJFN (Japan FM Network) * JFL (Japan FM League) * MegaNet (Megalopolis Radio Network)
ShortwaveRadio Nikkei
NHK (Public)
AMRadio 1 Radio 2

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