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Full nameMashhad
Official nameMashhad
Native name  ‹Mašhad›
MottoCity of paradise (Shahre behesht)
ProvinceRazavi Khorasan
Mashhad-Sanabad-Toos818 AD (Martyrdom Of Imam Reza)
Mayor (Ŝahrdār)Mohammad Pejman
Total Area176.8 sq mi (458 km2)
Metro Area1523.2 sq mi (3946 km2)
Elevation3231.6 ft (985 m)
Total Population2907316 (2006)
Population Rank in Iran2nd
Other information
Time zoneIRST (UTC+3:30)
- Summer (DST)IRDT (UTC+4:30)

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Mashhad ( , , ), is the second largest city in Iran and one of the holiest cities in the Shia Muslim world. It is also the only major Iranian city with an Arabic name. It is located 850 km (528.2 mi) east of Tehran, at the center of the Razavi Khorasan Province close to the borders of Afghanistan and Turkmenistan. Its population was 2,427,316 at the 2006 population census.

Now Mashhad is notably known as the resting place of the Imam Reza. A shrine was later built there to commemorate the Imam, which in turn gave rise to increasing demographic development.

Mashhad is also known as the city of Ferdowsi, the Iranian poet of Shahnameh, which is considered to be the national epic of Iran.

Mashhad Video

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0.88 min. | 4.49 user rating
kos khol sex sigary dokhtar iran mashhad girls jende senator Barack Obama gaydan animal 2
1.77 min. | 3.22 user rating
Song: Homo sapiens Band: Arsames CIty: Mashhad north east of iran PERSIAN Death Metal Band, ARSAMES: Hammering down your head wishing you were be dead suffering infection and violence keeping your mind in silence... See More Hatred strelity conceited delict carnality defiant sacrilege covetous Trait trait trait Trait of homo sapiens trait trait Trait of homo sapiens The cosmos never ends nobody defends the hell must be you tent welcome to your pent open your blinded eyes all your hopes die you cant breath darkness surrounds you by reality Death comes to claim you your brain rotted with pain Internerate velocity immersed in pure insanity come onnnnnnnn noooooooooo Hammering down ur head wishing you were be dead suffering infection and violence keeping your mind in silence Hatred strelity conceited delict carnality defiant sacrilege.................
4.17 min. | 4.78 user rating
ÛÚ© ÙرÙÙد ÙÙاپÛÙØ§Û ÙساÙØ±Ø¨Ø±Û Ø§ÛÙÙØ´Û٠ب٠شÙار٠پرÙاز Û±ÛµÛ²Ûµ با Û±ÛµÛ³ ÙساÙر ÙتعÙ٠ب٠شرکت ÙÙاپÛÙاÛÛ Ø¢Ø±Ûا ک٠از تÙرا٠ب٠ÙÙصد ÙØ´Ùد حرکت کرد٠بÙد ساعت حدÙد Û±Û¸ رÙز جÙع٠03/05/88 ÙÙگا٠ÙرÙد در ÙرÙدگا٠شÙÛد ÙاشÙÛ ÙÚاد ÙØ´Ùد دÚار ساÙح٠شد.ب٠گزارش خبرÙگاررÙزÙاÙ٠خراسا٠ک٠در Ùح٠حادث٠حضÙر ÛاÙت Úرخ ÙØ§Û ÙÙاپÛÙا ÙÙگا٠ÙرÙد Ú©Ùد٠شد٠٠ÙÙاپÛÙا از باÙد خارج گردÛد ٠پس از برخÙرد با دÛÙار بزرگ ÙرÙدگا٠پس از Ø·Û ÛÚ© Ú©ÛÙÙÙتر در زÙÛÙ ÙØ§Û Ú©Ø´Ø§ÙØ±Ø²Û ÙÙØ·Ù٠طر٠ÙتÙÙ٠شد.ÙÙرÙا٠رشÛد ÙعاÙ٠سÛØ§Ø³Û Ø§Ø¬ØªÙØ§Ø¹Û Ø§Ø³ØªØ§Ùدار خراسا٠رضÙÛ Ø¯Ø± Ú¯Ùت Ùگ٠با اÛرÙا تعداد کشت٠شدگا٠را Û±Û· ÙÙر Ù ÙجرÙحا٠را Û±Û¹ ÙÙر اعÙا٠کرد.اÙا گزارش ÙÙابع غÛررسÙÛ Ø­Ø§Ú©Û Ø§Ø² آ٠بÙدک٠تعداد کشت٠شدگا٠۳۰ ÙÙر Ù ÙجرÙحا٠۵۰ ÙÙر ÙÛ Ø¨Ø§Ø´Ùد ک٠تÙاÙÛ ÙصدÙÙا٠ب٠بÛÙارستا٠اÙا٠رضا(ع) ٠اÙØ¯Ø§Ø¯Û ÙØ´Ùد اÙتÙا٠ÛاÙتÙد ÛÚ©Û Ø§Ø² شاÙدا٠عÛÙÛ Ø¯Ø± اÛ٠زÙÛÙÙ Ú¯Ùت: ÚÙد دÙÛÙÙ Ùب٠از ÙÙÙع حادث٠در ÙÙØ·ÙÙ Ùاس٠آباد ÙØ´Ùد ÙÙاپÛÙا را از تراس آپارتÙا٠ÙسکÙÙÛ Ø®Ùد ÙشاÙد٠کرد٠ک٠حرکت غÛØ±Ø¹Ø§Ø¯Û Ø¯Ø§Ø´Øª Ù Ú¯Ûج ÙÛ Ø²Ø¯.ÛÚ© ÙÙبع آگا٠ک٠ÙØ®Ùاست ÙاÙØ´ Ùاش Ø´Ùد ÙÛز Ú¯Ùت : ÙÙاپÛÙا Ùب٠از حادث٠دÚار Ùشک٠شد٠بÙد ٠احتÙاÙا Ø®Ùبا٠Ùصد داشت با دÙر زد٠سÙخت ÙÙاپÛÙا را Ú©Ù Ú©Ùد.ÙدÛر Ú©Ù ÙرÙدگا٠شÙÛد ÙاشÙÛ ÙÚاد ÙØ´Ùد ÙÛز در Ú¯Ùت Ùگ٠با اÛرÙا Ú¯Ùت: اÛÙ ÙÙاپÛÙا در ÙÙگا٠ÙرÙد از باÙد ÙرÙدگا٠خارج ٠دÚار ساÙح٠شد. اسÙاعÛÙÛ Ø§ÙزÙد: ÙرگÙÙ٠اطÙاعات بÛشتر دربار٠اÛ٠خبر را از سازÙا٠ÙÙاپÛÙاÛÛ Ú©Ø´ÙØ±Û Ù¾ÛÚ¯ÛØ±Û Ú©ÙÛد.رضا جعÙرزاد٠سخÙÚ¯ÙÛ Ø³Ø§Ø²Ùا٠ÙÙاپÛÙاÛÛ Ú©Ø´ÙØ±Û Ú©Ù Ø§Ø² طرÛ٠خبرÙگار خراسا٠در جرÛا٠حادث٠Ùرار گرÙت Ú¯Ùت ÙÙÛ٠اÙا٠ÙÙضÙع را Ù¾ÛÚ¯ÛØ±Û ÙÛ Ú©ÙÙ.ساعت Û²Û² رÙز گذشت٠ÙÛز ÙØ§Ø¶Û Ù¾Ø±Ø³Ø§ (ÙØ§Ø¶Û ÙÛÚÙ Ùت٠عÙد) ک٠در ÙرÙدگا٠ÙØ´Ùد حضÙر داشت ٠ب٠تحÙÛÙ <b>...</b>
2.72 min. | 4.55 user rating
تجÙع Ùزارا٠ÙÙر از Ùرد٠ÙØ´Ùد ک٠ب٠صÙرت ÙساÙÙت Ø¢ÙÛز ٠در سکÙت کاÙ٠در Ø®Ûابا٠راÙÙÙاÛÛ Ø³Ø§Ø¹Øª 18:20 Ù Ø­ÙÙÙ ÙاÙÙرا٠گارد Ù Ùباس Ø´Ø®ØµÛ Ùا ٠بسÛج ب٠Ùرد٠٠استÙاد٠از گاز اشک Ø¢Ùر Ø¨Ø±Ø§Û Ù¾Ø±Ø§Ú©Ùد٠کرد٠جÙعÛت زÛاد Ùرد٠ÙØ´Ùد اÛ٠جÙعÛت Ø¨Ø±Ø§Û Ø¨Ø§Ø²Ø¯Ø§Ø´Øª ٠دستگÛØ±Û Ø³Ø±Ø§Ù Ø¬Ùبش سبز ٠احÙا٠حÙÙÙشا٠ب٠خÛابا٠Ùا Ø¢Ùد٠بÙدÙد
0.43 min. | 4.56 user rating
Party in Iran (Mashhad) dokhtar pesara ghati ^^
3.02 min. | 3.58 user rating
good memories of Mashhad...
5.30 min. | 4.71 user rating
javad Raptor famous architector and great dancer in his new clip directed by MH
1.10 min. | 3.68 user rating
CNC Metal Spinning in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad - Engineering Faculty - CAD/CAM Workshop. Spinnig Aluminium Sheets on Teflon Mandrel. By: Ali Asmari and AMGhandeharioun
3.42 min. | 3.87 user rating
دعÙا سر سÙار Ùرد٠ÙساÙر٠آدرسش Ù٠بعد از پ٠سجاد ÙØ´ÙدÙ
0.87 min. | 3.66 user rating

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Silencing the Muezzin - Jerusalem Post Tweet this news
Jerusalem Post--Rami -Mashhad-, a contractor, is adamantly against the legislation and warns it could ignite the normally peaceful relationship with his Jewish neighbors. “I think this is a wrong decision at this time because … it will escalate the vi - Date : Sun, 01 Jan 2012 09:30:20 GMT
To be held - Iran Book News Agency Tweet this news
Iran Book News Agency---...- traditional restoration of manuscripts, wet and half-wet restoration method, and leather cover restoration method are some of the topics, which will be covered during the course which is slated for January 28 to February 12, 2 - Date : Sun, 01 Jan 2012 09:22:49 GMT
Fair Grounds: Always Here Too points to Silverbulletday Stakes - Daily Racing Form Tweet this news
Daily Racing Form--But, for the second straight race, Flash -Mash had- a mental block while readying for her race in the paddock. She basically had to be dragged out onto the track, with jockey Robby Albarado getting a leg up as Flash Mash was being led a - Date : Fri, 30 Dec 2011 21:53:28 GMT
Fair Grounds: Flash Mash coming off a blowout win - Daily Racing Form Tweet this news
Daily Racing Form--Briefly breaking free from her handlers, Flash -Mash had- to be led down the track and into the warm-up period by her trainer, Mike Stidham. “I had to be the pony for a minute,” Stidham cracked. Flash Mash proved to be worth the ext - Date : Tue, 27 Dec 2011 21:43:20 GMT
Shifting Ground for Vital Resources - Consortium News Tweet this news
Consortium News--The Afghan refugees basically moved to eastern Iran, so if you go to -Mashhad- in eastern Iran, if you go to the suburbs of -Mashhad- that's the opium center, that's the smuggling center. They cross Afghanistan, they cross via H - Date : Tue, 27 Dec 2011 16:36:08 GMT
Spokane man identified as Pasco train victim - Tweet this news police on Thursday said it appeared -Mash had- been dead for a couple of hours. BNSF Railway Co. spokesman Gus Melonas told The Associated Press that Mash was apparently sideswiped by a freight train pulling into the Pasco rail y - Date : Tue, 27 Dec 2011 17:51:49 GMT
US offers $10 million reward for Iran-based al Qaeda financier - Long War Journal Tweet this news
Long War Journal--The NEFA analysis indicates that al Qaeda recruits from Europe were encouraged to use Zahedan and another city in Iran, -Mashhad-. "In a January 2007 speech to his cadre," the NEFA analysis reads, "Osama bin La - Date : Fri, 23 Dec 2011 06:29:23 GMT
Iran's cultural scholars of the year honored - Tehran Times Tweet this news
Tehran Times--Hosseini announced that the holy city of -Mashhad- has been selected the 2017 Cultural Capital of Islam and will be hosting the Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers arranged by the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Date : Fri, 23 Dec 2011 15:30:46 GMT
Trekking along the Jesus Trail in northern Israel - Haaretz Tweet this news
Haaretz--We leave Nazareth through a lot of garbage, pass through olive groves and Zippori National Park and enter the small Arab village of -Mash'had-, which in Muslim tradition is the birthplace of the Prophet Jonah. From there it's downhill, - Date : Sat, 24 Dec 2011 14:53:20 GMT
Coroner identifies man killed by train in Pasco - Mid Columbia Tri City Herald Tweet this news
Mid Columbia Tri City Herald--Pasco police on Thursday said it appeared -Mash had- been dead for a couple of hours. There were no signs of foul play. Mash's body was found about 100 yards from the Amtrak depot and several tracks beyond the Amtrak lin - Date : Fri, 23 Dec 2011 20:44:26 GMT

Rail :
scope="col"Club scope="col"League scope="col"Sport scope="col"Venue scope="col"Established scope="col"Championships
FC Aboomoslem
Azadegan League
soccer Samen Stadium
Payam Mashhad F.C.
Azadegan League
soccer Takhti Stadium (Mashhad)
Elmo Adab Mashhad FSC
Iranian Futsal Super League
Rahahan Khorasan W.C.
Iranian Premier Wrestling League
freestyle wrestling Mohammad Ali Sahraei Hall
Ferdowsi Club
beach soccer
swimming Takhti Stadium (Mashhad)
[ Persepolis Khorasan]
Iranian Volleyball Super League
volleyball Shahid Beheshti Sport Complex
Iranian Basketball Super League
basketball Mehran Hall

Architecture of Persia and Iran

ElementsBazaars * The Persian Garden (hayāt) * Windcatchers * Shabestan * Kucheh * Talar * Iwan * Howz * Panjdari * Hashti * Andaruni * Biruni (Persian architecture) * Dalan e Vorudi * Qanat * Kariz * Gonbad * Ab anbar * Yakhchal * Caravanserais * Robats * Burj * Khaneqah * Tekyeh * Sahn * Imamzadeh * Mosques
Notable traditional citiesArchitecture of Tehran * Bam * Bukhara * Ctesiphon, Derbent * Herat * Isfahan * Kashan * Merv * Mashad * Persepolis * Qazvin * Qom * Samarkand * Shahrisabz * Shiraz * Susa * Tabriz * Takht-i-Suleiman (Takht-e Soleyman) * Yazd * Gur-e Amir
History and theoryTraditional Persian residential architecture * Traditional water sources of Persian antiquity * Islamic architecture * Sassanid architecture * Pre-Parsi style * Parsi style * Parthian style * Khorasani style * Razi style * Azari style * Isfahani style
ListsList of ab anbars of Qazvin * List of historical Iranian architects * List of mosques * Args, Castles, and Ghal'ehs * List of Ziyarat-gahs

Razavi Khorasan Province

CountiesBajestan * Bardaskan * Chenaran * Dargaz * Fariman * Gonabad * Jowayin * Joghatai * Kalat * Kashmar * Khaf * Khalilabad * Mahvelat * Mashhad * Neyshabur * Quchan * Rashtkhar * Sabzevar * Sarakhs * Takht e Jolgeh * Taybad * Torghabe o Shandiz * Torbat e Jam * Torbat e Heydarieh * Zave
CitiesAnabad * Bajestan * Bajgiran * Bakhezr * Bardaskan * Bayeg * Beydokht * Bidokht * Chahchaheh * Chapeshlu * Chekneh * Chenaran * Chezg * Dargaz * Darrod * Davarzan * Dolatabad * Eshghabad * Farhadgerd * Fariman * Firozeh * Feyzabad * Ghadamgah * Ghalandarabad * Ghasem Abad * Gonabad * Hemmatabad * Jam-Abad * Joghatai * Kadkan * Kakhk * Kalat * Kariz * Kashmar * Khaf * Khalilabad * Kharw * Kondor * Lotfabad * Malekabad * Mashhad * Mashadrizeh * Nasrabad * Nashtifan * Neghab * Nilshahr * Nishapur * Nokhandan * Quchan * Rashtkhar * Rayvash * Razaviyeh * Robat e sang * Rodab * Sabzevar * Salehabad * Sangan * Sarakhs * Seyedabad * Shadmehr * Shahrabad * Shandiz * Sheshtamad * Sultanabad * Taybad * Torbat Jam * Torbat-e Heydarieh * Torghabeh * Tus * Zeebad * Zir Ab *
LandmarksImam Reza shrine * Goharshad Mosque * Tus citadel * Kooh Sangi * Akhlamad * Mount Binalud * Zist-e Khavar * Kian Center * Azar Barzin Mehr fire temple,Sabzevar * Ferdowsi's mausoleum in Tus * Haruniyeh Dome in Tus * Tomb of Farid ad-Din Attar,Nishapur * Kohandezh, Nishapur * Tomb of Omar Khayyám, Nishapur *

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