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Maine Senate

NameMaine State Senate
LegislatureMaine State Legislature
Coa PicSeal of Maine.svg
House TypeUpper house
Term Limits4 Terms (8 years)
New SessionDecember 1, 2010
Leader1 TypePresident of the Senate
Leader1Kevin Raye
Election1December 1, 2010
Leader2 TypeMajority Leader
Leader2Jonathan Courtney
Election2December 1, 2010
Leader4 TypeMinority Leader
Leader4Barry Hobbins
Election4December 1, 2010
Last Election1November 2, 2010
(35 seats)
Next Election1November 6, 2012
(35 seats)
RedistrictingLegislative Control
Political Groups1Republican Party (20)
Democratic Party (14)
Independent (1)
Term Length2 years
AuthorityArticle IV, Part Second, Maine Constitution
SalarySession 1: $13,526/year
Session 2: $9,661/year + per diem
Meeting PlaceState Senate Chamber
Maine State House
Augusta, Maine

     Home | Legislature | Maine Senate

The Maine Senate is the upper house of the Maine Legislature, the state legislature of the U.S. state of Maine. The Senate currently consists of 35 members representing an equal number of districts across the state, though the Maine Constitution allows for "an odd number of Senators, not less than 31 nor more than 35". Unlike the lower House, the Senate does not set aside nonvoting seats for Native tribes. Because it is a part-time position, members of the Maine Senate usually have outside employment as well.

The Senate meets at the Maine State House in Augusta. Members are limited to four consecutive terms with each term being two years but may run again after a two year wait.

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