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Korea under Japanese rule

Native Name일제 강점기 (日帝强占期)
Conventional Long NameKorea under Japanese rule
Common NameKorea under Japanese rule
Continentmoved from Category:Asia to East Asia
RegionEast Asia
EraJapanese Empire
StatusColony, later "Subjects of the Emperor" 
Status TextAnnexed dependency of Empire of Japan
Government TypeConstitutional monarchy
Year Start1910
Year End1945
Event StartAnnexation by Japan
Date Start22 August
Event EndEnd of World War II
Date End15 August
Event1March 1st Movement
Date Event11 March 1919
Event2Battle of Qingshanli
Date Event211 September 1920
Event3Sakuradamon Incident
Date Event39 January 1932
Event4Shanghai bombing attack
Date Event429 April 1932
Event PreProtectorate of Japan
Date Pre18 November 1905
Event PostVictory over Japan Day
Date Post2 September 1945
P1Korean Empire
Flag P1Flag of Korea 1882.svg
S1United States Army Military Government in Korea
Flag S1US flag 48 stars.svg
S2First Republic of South Korea
Flag S2Flag of South Korea.svg
S3Soviet Civil Authority
Flag S3Flag of the Soviet Union (1923-1955).svg
S4Provisional People's Committee for North Korea
Flag S4Flag of the Provisional People’s Committee for North Korea.png
S5North Korea
Flag S5Flag of North Korea.svg
Image FlagMerchant flag of Japan (1870).svg
Flag AltFlag of Korea under Japanese rule, 1910-1945
Image CoatSeal of the Government-General of Korea.svg
Coat AltSeal of the Government-General of Korea
Image Map CaptionKorea as part of the Japanese empire, 1939
CapitalKeijō ( ,  )
CurrencyKorean yen
Leader1Terauchi Masatake
Leader2Saito Makoto
Leader3Kazushige Ugaki
Leader4Jirō Minami
Leader5Kuniaki Koiso
Leader6Nobuyuki Abe
Year Leader11910 � 1916
Year Leader21919 � 1927,1929 � 1931
Year Leader31927, 1931 � 1936
Year Leader41936 � 1942
Year Leader51942 � 1944
Year Leader61944 � 1945
Title LeaderGovernment-General of Korea

Korea under Japanese rule

TitleKorea under Japanese rule
Hangul일제 강점기 or 일제시대
Hanja日帝强占期 or 日帝時代
RrIlje Gangjeomgi or Iljesidae
MrIlche Kangjŏmgi or Ilchesidae
RomajiNihon Tōchika no Chōsen

     Home | East Asian | Korea under Japanese rule

Korea was under Japanese rule as part of Japan's 35-year imperialist expansion (22 August 1910 to 15 August 1945). Japanese rule formally ended on 2 September 1945 upon the Japanese defeat in World War II that year.

Korea was occupied and declared a Japanese protectorate in the 1905 Eulsa Treaty, and officially annexed in 1910 through the annexation treaty. Japan's involvement in the region began with the 1876 Treaty of Ganghwa during the Joseon Dynasty and increased with the subsequent assassination of Empress Myeongseong (also known as "Queen Min") in 1895. The 1905 and 1910 treaties were eventually declared "null and void" by both Japan and South Korea in 1965.

In Korea, the period is usually described as a time of "Japanese forced occupation" (Hangeul: ; Ilje gangjeomgi, Hanja: 日帝强占期). Other terms include "Japanese Imperial Period" (Hangul: , Ilje sidae, Hanja: 日帝時代) or "Wae (Japanese) administration" (Hangeul: , Wae jeong, Hanja: ). In Japan, a more common term is


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