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Kao Corporation

Company nameKao Corporation
Company typePublic Kabushiki gaisha
IndustryPersonal care, Fabric and home care, Feminine hygiene, Chemicals, Professional-use cleaning products
FoundedNihonbashi-Bakurocho, Tokyo, Japan (June , 1887)
Founder(s)Tomiro Nagase
Headquarters14-10, Nihonbashi-Kayabacho Itchome, Chūō, Tokyo, Japan
Key peopleMotoki Ozaki
(President and CEO)
Revenue(+)  (US $14,273.4 millionlink=yes)
(consolidated, March 2011, 83 yen/US dollar)
Operating income(+)  (US $1,257.9 million)
(consolidated, March 2011, 83 yen/US dollar)
Net income(+)  (US $562.1 million)
(consolidated, March 2011, 83 yen/US dollar)
Total assets(-)  (US $12,300.6 million)
(consolidated, March 2011, 83 yen/US dollar)
Total equity(-)  (US $6,489.0 million)
(consolidated, March 2011, 83 yen/US dollar)
Employees34,743 (consolidated)
5,924 (non-consolidated)

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|} is a chemical and cosmetics company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.

Kao began as a domestic toiletry soap manufacturing company in 1887 by Tomiro Nagase. Until 1940, they were known as

|}, changing their name then to

|}, and finally in 1985 to Kao Corporation.

During the 1960s and the 1970s, the company expanded to Taiwan and ASEAN, and also to oleochemicals in order to complement their main business. During this time, the company launched household products, laundry products, and industrial products to expand its revenue base (such as New Beads detergent, Humming fabric softener, Haiter bleach and Magiclean household cleaners).

During the 1980s, its hit products Merries diapers, Attack detergent, Biore daily skincare and Biore U daily body care, Curel (1986) and Sofina cosmetics were launched. During this time, Kao engaged in several joint ventures (haircare in Europe, Nivea in Japan with Beiersdorf), and acquisitions (Andrew Jergens Company in 1988, Goldwell AG in 1989) in North America and Europe. During this period, Kao also expanded to the manufacture of floppy disks.

During the 1990s and 2000s, the company expanded into China and Vietnam - countries that, during that time, were opening up their economies to the rest of the world. Also, the company expanded into food products with Econa and Healthya. It also continued to acquire businesses (John Frieda in 2002, Molton Brown in 2005, and Kanebo Cosmetics in 2006).

In September 2009 Kao recalled its Econa cooking oil products after it was revealed in the media that one of its ingredients becomes carcinogenic after digestion. According to the media reports, Econa contained from 10 to 182 times the amount of glycidol fatty acid esters found in regular cooking oils. Kao also removed the tokuho, or government "healthy food" designation from the product's label.

Kao Corporation Video

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5.73 min. | 4.29 user rating
WOW! ESSENTIAL é亮æéMilk & Honey 修護髮尾15åç±³å±ç¾Bling Bling é亮髮絲
0.33 min. | 0 user rating
MEN'S Bioré Active Skin Solutions MEN'S Biore 深層æç æ´é¢ä¹³MEN'S Biore æç調çæ´é¢ä¹³MEN'S Biore å»æ²¹æ¸ç½æ´é¢ä¹³
0.50 min. | 3.4 user rating
Kao Video Translation
1.02 min. | 0 user rating
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9.08 min. | 4.6 user rating
Milk & Honey éé修復èå¼±åæç髮尾15åç±³å±ç¾å¤©ä½¿åç°æ±äº¬æå°Kawaii More Dor! More Dor! More Dor!
0.50 min. | 0 user rating
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0.42 min. | 5.0 user rating
0.33 min. | 0 user rating
Los instructores Sergi y Lluís se esmeran en encender bien la simulación de planta química ante la mirada de los compañeros de Kao Mollet.
0.45 min. | 0 user rating
3åé«ç´åº¦èèåç奶èç½ä¹³æ¨æShea Butter çºé«®çµ²é«åº¦ä¿æ¿éé»æ·±å±¤ä¿®è­·é«®å°¾15åç±³Damage Hair Sa-yo-na-ra!
0.50 min. | 3.0 user rating

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Speakers from Estée Lauder, Merck KGaA, and Kao Corporation to present at ... - Business Wire (press release) Tweet this news
Business Wire (press release)--Among the presenters scheduled to speak at Color Cosmetics Summit are Dr. Rami Ismael, R&D Director, Radiant Color NV; Takashi Kanda, Researcher, -KAO CORPORATION-; Sarah Major, Manager Product Development, ESTÉE LA - Date : Thu, 21 Jul 2011 00:15:05 GMT+00:00
KPSS Names John Moroney VP of Education - Citybizlist (press release) Tweet this news
Citybizlist (press release)--KPSS, Inc. is a direct subsidiary of KPSS GmbH based in Darmstadt, Germany, which is a subsidiary of Tokyo-based -Kao Corporation-. KPSS, Inc. is the manufacturer and marketer of professional hair color, texturizers, shampoos, - Date : Thu, 21 Apr 2011 18:07:56 GMT+00:00
Nucleare di scorta - Lettera43 Tweet this news
Lettera43--Due birre cult del Giappone, Asahi e Sapporo tramite la Sendai Breweries; alcuni cosmetici della Kanebo Sendai, tramite la -Kao Corporation-; i preziosissimi shampoo della Shiseido (una confezione da 200 ml arriva a costare 30 euro); componenti - Date : Wed, 20 Apr 2011 08:15:26 GMT+00:00
U Sremskoj Mitrovici počela da radi Genetska laboratorija - Данас Tweet this news
Данас--Opremanje su, takođe, pomogli i Grad Sremska Mitrovica, opštine Ruma i Šid, Sindikat lekara i farmaceuta Sremska Mitrovica, -kao- i beogradska farmaceutska kuća „Pfizer -Corporation-“. - Genetska laboratorija ima za cilj rano otkrivanj - Date : Wed, 20 Apr 2011 15:07:29 GMT+00:00
CFO World--Thomas -Kao-, director of product planning at Infortrend, noted, “We are finding that, due to price and performance factors, 2.5” disk drives are becoming an attractive choice for businesses looking to enhance data storage. Infortrend offer - Date : Tue, 19 Apr 2011 01:36:02 GMT+00:00
Как се отразява кризата в Япония на цифровата индустрия - digital Tweet this news
digital--Корпорациите, които се занимават с това са -Kao Corporation-, Mitsubishi Chemical, Mitsui and Co., Nippon Carbide, и Sanyo Chemical. Освен тях, в страната функционират и цяла � - Date : Tue, 05 Apr 2011 09:53:34 GMT+00:00
Godišnjica rođenja Čarlija Čaplina: Glasni klovn nijemog filma - Nezavisne Novine Tweet this news
Nezavisne Novine--Počeo sam ga poznavati, as vremenom sam izlazio na pozornicu -kao- da sam takav rođen." Kasnije je već poćeo da režira vlastite filmove, počeo jednogodišnji ugovor sa studijom "Essanay", 1916. je potpisa - Date : Fri, 15 Apr 2011 16:39:13 GMT+00:00
Revenge, Served Hot - New York Magazine Tweet this news
New York Magazine--In The Greatest Movie Ever Sold, he takes you behind the scenes as he exuberantly pitches potential sponsors, among them Pom Wonderful, JetBlue, -Kao- Brands (maker of Ban anti-perspirant), and a family-owned Pennsylvania convenience-st - Date : Mon, 18 Apr 2011 02:49:41 GMT+00:00
Cory Couts Appointed CEO of KPSS North America - Citybizlist (press release) Tweet this news
Citybizlist (press release)--Couts brings over 21 years experience in the professional beauty industry and previously held the position of Vice President, Global Business Development at KMS California both before and after the acquisition of the brand by - Date : Wed, 13 Apr 2011 20:28:20 GMT+00:00
Kimberly-Clark Selects Retail Solutions to Power North America Retail Data ... - Benzinga Tweet this news
Benzinga--More than 350 leading companies such as 3M, Abbott, Bausch & Lomb, Bayer, Colgate-Palmolive, Clorox, Heineken, HP, -Kao- Brands, Kraft, Nestlé, Novartis, Procter & Gamble, Reckitt-Benckiser, Schering-Plough -Corp-. and Unilever - Date : Tue, 12 Apr 2011 13:12:12 GMT+00:00


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FaceConcealer * Foundation * Face powder * Rouge * Bindi * Thanaka * Tilaka * Cleanser-Toner-Moisturizer
EyesEye liner * Eye shadow * Kohl * Mascara
OtherShampoo-Conditioner-Styling cream * Nail polish * Anti-aging cream * Body powder * Cold cream * Sindoor
Major brands

JP TOPIX 100 companies of Japan

Core 307&i * Astellas * Canon * Honda * JFE * JR East * JT * KDDI * KEPCO * Komatsu * Mitsubishi Corporation * Mitsubishi Estate * Mitsui & Co. * Mizuho * MUFG * Nintendo * Nippon Steel * Nissan * Nomura * NTT * NTT docomo * Panasonic * Shin-Etsu * Sony * Sumitomo Mitsui Financial * Takeda * TEPCO * Tokio Marine * Toshiba * Toyota
Large 70ÆON * AGC * Asahi Kasei * Bank of Yokohama * Bridgestone * Chubu Electric Power * Daiichi Sankyo * Daikin * Daiwa House * Daiwa Securities * Denso * DNP * Eisai * FANUC * Fujifilm * Fujitsu * Hitachi * Hoya * INPEX * Itochu * JR Central * JR West * Kao * Keyence * Kirin * Kobelco * Kubota * Kyocera * Kyushu Electric Power * Marubeni * Mitsubishi Chemical * Mitsubishi Electric * Mitsubishi Heavy Industries * Mitsui Fudosan * MOL * MSIG * Murata * NEC * Nidec * Nikon * Nippon Oil * Nitto Denko * ORIX * Resona * Ricoh * Rohm * Secom * Sekisui House * Sharp * Shiseido * SMC * SoftBank * Sompo Japan * Sumitomo Chemical * Sumitomo Corporation * Sumitomo Electric * Sumitomo Metal Mining * Sumitomo Metals * Sumitomo Realty * Sumitomo Trust * Suzuki * T&D * TDK * Tohoku Electric Power * Tokyo Electron * Tokyo Gas * Toppan * Toray * Yahoo! Japan * Yamada Denki

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