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Japanese language

NameJapanese|nativename=  Nihongo
EthnicityYamato people
ImagecaptionNihongo (Japanese)
in Japanese script
StatesMajority: Japan
Speakers130 million
ScriptJapanese logographs and syllabaries, Chinese characters, rōmaji, Siddham script (occasionally in Buddhist temples.)
Palau (Angaur)
Japanese government plays major role

     Home | Language | Japanese language

|} is a language spoken by over 130 million people in Japan and in Japanese emigrant communities. It is a member of the Japonic (or Japanese-Ryukyuan) language family, which has a number of proposed relationships with other languages, none of which has gained wide acceptance among historical linguists (see Classification of Japonic).

Japanese is an agglutinative language and a mora-timed language. It has a relatively small sound inventory, and a lexically significant pitch-accent system. It is distinguished by a complex system of honorifics reflecting the nature of Japanese society, with verb forms and particular vocabulary to indicate the relative status of the speaker, the listener, and persons mentioned in conversation. Japanese vowels are pure.

The Japanese language is written with a combination of three scripts: Chinese characters called

|}, and two syllabic (or moraic) scripts made of modified Chinese characters,

|} and

|}. The Latin alphabet,

|}, is also often used in modern Japanese, especially for company names and logos, advertising, and when entering Japanese text into a computer. Arabic numerals are generally used for numbers, but traditional Sino-Japanese numerals are also commonplace (see Japanese numerals).

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