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Isle of Man

General information
Common namethe Isle of Man
Local name 
Motto  (Latin)
Whithersoever you throw it, it will stand.
Anthem"O Land of Our Birth"
" " (Manx)
Royal anthem"God Save the Queen"
Largest citycapital
Official languagesEnglish, Manx
GovernmentBritish Crown Dependency Parliamentary democracy (Constitutional monarchy)
Lord of MannElizabeth II
Lieutenant GovernorAdam Wood
Chief MinisterTony Brown
StatusStatus (Crown dependency)
Lordship of Mann revested in British crown1765
Total Area221 sq mi (572.4 km2) (191st)
Water %0
Population Est.80085 (196th)
Density (pop.)139.9/km2 (109th) (362.4/sq mi)
GDP PPP$2.113 billion (2003) (162nd)
GDP (PPP) per capita$35,000 (11/12th)
Other information
HDIn/a (n/a) (unranked) (n/a)
CurrencyPound sterling1 (GBP)
Time zoneGMT (UTC+0)
Date formatsdd/mm/yyyy (AD)
Drives on theleft
Calling code+44 spec.
 (landline) area code
+44-7524, +44-7624, +44-7924

     Home | Country | Isle of Man

The Isle of Man (c-eniconˈmæn; , pronounced -gvˈɛlʲən ˈvanɪn), otherwise known simply as Mann ( , -gvˈmanɪnIPA), is a self-governing British Crown Dependency, located in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland, within the British Isles. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, who holds the title of Lord of Mann. The Lord of Mann is represented by a Lieutenant Governor. The island is not part of the United Kingdom, but its foreign relations and defence are the responsibility of the UK Government. Although it does not usually interfere in the island's domestic matters, its "good government" is ultimately the responsibility of the Crown (i.e., in practice, the Government of the United Kingdom).

The island has been inhabited since before 6500 BC. It began to be influenced by Gaelic culture in the 5th century AD, and the Manx language, a branch of the Gaelic languages, gradually emerged. In the 9th century, the Norse began to settle there. A Norse-Gaelic culture arose and the island came under Norse control. In 1266, the island became part of Scotland. After a period of alternating rule by the kings of Scotland and England, the island came under the feudal overlordship of the English Crown in 1399. The lordship revested into the British Crown in 1764 but the island never became part of the United Kingdom and retained its status as an internally self-governing jurisdiction.

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