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StatesKingdom of Galicia
RegionNorth-west Iberia
ExtinctSplit and evolved into the Galician and Portuguese languages.
Fam7West Iberian

     Home | Language | Galician-Portuguese

Galician-Portuguese (also known as galego-português or galaico-português in Portuguese and as galego-portugués or galaico-portugués in Galician) or Old Portuguese was a West Iberian Romance language spoken in the Middle Ages, in the northwest area of the Iberian Peninsula. It was first spoken in the area bounded in the north and west by the Atlantic Ocean and the Douro River in the south but it was later extended south of the Douro by the Reconquista. It is the common ancestor of modern Galician, Portuguese, Eonavian and Fala languages, and the extinct Judeo-Portuguese language.

The term "Galician-Portuguese" also designates the subdivision of the modern West Iberian group which is composed by Galician, Portuguese, and the Fala language.

Galician-Portuguese Video

In the Middle Ages, Galician-Portuguese language was used for lyricism, to sing to love and spirituality (Galician-portuguese troubadours also sang to laughter). Castilian language was used for the epic, for sing to war. Many of the miracles of the Cantigas de Santa Maria were assigned to the Apostle Santiago previously; Castilian King tried to weaken Santiago de Compostela (Kingdom of Galicia) and strengthen Toledo (Castilla). Na Idade Média, o galego-Português foi usado para a lírica, para cantar ao amor e à espiritualidade (e também ao riso); a língua castelhana foi utilizado para a épica, para cantar à guerra. Muitos dos milagres das Cantigas de Santa Maria foram atribuídos ao apóstolo Santiago anteriormente; o rei castelhano tentou enfraquecer Santiago de Compostela (Reino da Galiza) e reforçar Toledo (Castilha). Court of King Afonso X, ( IX of Galician Kingdom), Cantiga de Santa Maria 166 In itinere. Grupo de Cámara da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Galiza (GZ). [E 166 T 166] Esta [é] como Santa Maria guareceu un ome que era tolleito do corpo e dos nenbros, na sa eigreja en Salas. Como poden per sas culpas | os omes seer contreitos, assi poden pela Virgen | depois seer sãos feitos. Ond' aveo a un ome, | por pecados que fezera, que foi tolleito dos nenbros | dua door que ouvera, e durou assi cinc' anos | que mover-se non podera, assi avia os nenbros | todos do corpo maltreitos. Como poden per sas culpas | os omes seer contreitos... Con esta enfermidade <b>...</b>
3.17 min. | 4.77 user rating
Mario speaks english, portuguese, russian, galician, french, spanish and turkish. Skype: is.mario
7.68 min. | 4.95 user rating
O Perdigueiro Galego e Portugues forma uma linagem comum que se remonta aos tempos do Reino de Galiza e da separação do Condado de Portucale. Abandonado, esquecido, e quasse extinguido na Galiza, goza de boa saude ao sul do Minho, onde e um cão apreçado e onde diversas asociações o protegem. Porem e habitual ver galegos do norte nas juntanças do sul.
2.48 min. | 4.75 user rating
The Video "Sailor Moon Moonlinght Desentsu [Multilanguage of 21 Languages Officiais and Fandub]" this is my project dedicated to anime "Sailor Moon" with the participation of my friend, ZodiacSoldier66. Thanks for your great help, friend. O Video "Sailor Moon Moonlinght Desentsu [Multilanguage of 21 Languages Officiais and Fandub]" trata-se do meu projecto dedicado ao anime "A Navegante da Lua" com a participação do meu amigo, ZodiacSoldier66. Obrigado pela tua grande ajuda, amigo. Order of 21 Dubbing: | Ordem das 21 Dobragens: 01. Japanese 02. Cantonese TVB [from Super Season Version] 03. Korean 04. Indonesian 05. Thai [DVD Version] 06. Tagalog 07. Russian [Not Released on TV] 08. Greek 09. French Fandub [Not Released on TV] 10. Swedish 11. Portuguese Brazilian [Opening Version in Year 1997] 12. Portuguese Brazilian [Season R/Super/Supers/Stars Opening Version in Year 2001 (?)] 13. Catalan 14. Galician 15. Spanish [from Original TV Opening Version] 16. Spanish Fandub [Not Released on TV] 17. Latin Spanish [form Chile CD Version (Not Released on TV)] 18. Latin Spanish [from Mexico Dub Official Opening] 19. Latin Spanish Male Fandub [Not Released on TV] 20. Portuguese European Frandu [Not Released on TV] 21. Greek Fandub [Not Released on TV] Cerditos: (c) LeoLevi88, for some of the fandubbing. (c) ZodiacSoldier66, for their help throughout this project. This content belongs to Sailor Moon™ © 1992-2010 Toei Animation All Rights Reserved. Created byNaoko Takeuchi (C)TOEI <b>...</b>
9.08 min. | 5.0 user rating
Palácios e Cidades Lusófonas - 3a Revisão Palaces & Cities of Lusofonia - 3rd Revision MUSIC - The Rakoczy March S.11 by BERLIOZ This vídeo depicts various Palaces and Cities within the Portuguese/Galego Speaking World Augustus Aurelianus created the Third Version of this video at This is video represents the THIRD (3rd) version of my origianl VIDEO (of same title), which was created in late May 2010 but subsequently deleted in order to undergo a few corrections, adjustments and additions thereto in July 13, 2010. However BECAUSE of the ABSURD CONCEPT WHEREBY THE NATIONAL ANTHEM OF.PORTUGAL RIDICULOUSLY (and offensively) being ALLEGED BY YOUTUBE THAT A PRIVATE CORPORATION HAS COPYRIGHTS TO IT, I WAS COMPELLED TO DROP ALL THE ORIGINAL LYRICS AND ADAPT IT THE MUSIC OF BERLIOZ (The Rakoczy March S.11) LUSOFONIA is a cultural concept as well as an international organization of polities and governments where Portuguese-Galician are the mother or official languages, wherein a significant proportion of people are lusophone (Portuguese and/or Galician speakers) or where there is a notable affiliation with the Portuguese tongue. Portuguese is the official and first language of Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal and São Tomé & Príncipe. It is also one of the official languages of East Timor, Macau (with Chinese) and Equatorial Guinea, while Galician (along with Spanish) is the official language of Galicia (a Royal territory of Spain). In <b>...</b>
4.50 min. | 4.63 user rating

2.60 min. | 5.0 user rating
Pequeno medley introduzido com a cantiga 353 da série Cantigas de Santa Maria, escritas pelo rei Afonso X o Sábio, no século XIII.
2.35 min. | 0 user rating
Traditional tune from Miranda do Douro played by the Paes brothers with two Yamaha's Soprano Baroque Recorder.
1.67 min. | 5.0 user rating
Music: Fandango Ribatejano
1.93 min. | 2.55 user rating
This is the Calonian translation to the Our Father.
0.87 min. | 5.0 user rating

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caption|Consonant phonemes of Galician-Portuguese
Phonology :
Bilabial Labio-
Palatal Velar
Nasal m n ɲ
Plosive p b t d k É¡
Fricative β1 f s z ʃ ʒ2
Affricates ts dz tʃ dʒ2
Lateral l ÊŽ
Trill r
Flap ɾ

A strophe of Galician-Portuguese lyric :

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