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David Dunbar Buick

David Dunbar Buick
David Dunbar Buick
Personal information
NameDavid Dunbar Buick
NationalityUnited States
Birth date17 September 1854
Birth placeArbroath, Scotland.
Date of death5 March 1929(age 74)
Significant projectsBuick Motor Companys

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:for the New Zealand politician see David Buick (New Zealand)David Dunbar Buick (September 17, 1854 � March 5, 1929) was a Scottish-born Detroit inventor, best known for founding the Buick Motor Company. He headed this company and its predecessor from 1902 until 1906, thereby helping to create one of the most successful nameplates in United States motor vehicle history.

David Dunbar Buick Video

This video is a wonderfully-done documentary on the history of Buick as presented in 1995 from the History Channel's archive. Here is their description of the video verbatim: "No one would have believed that the tinkering of a plumber would turn into the foundation of the world's largest corporation. But it did. David Dunbar Buick invented a process to adhere porcelain to tubs and other bathroom fixtures. But the Scottish immigrant dreamed of making a mark out of the bathroom, and set to work building a car. By 1900, he enlisted the aid of another inventor, Walter Marr, and they built their first vehicle. Their invention attracted the attention of one of Michigan's wealthiest men, William Crapo Durant, the president of the world's largest buggy-building business. As soon as he drove one of Buick's early creations, Durant realized that the days of the horse and buggy were over. He teamed up with Buick, and the two went on to make history. By the thirties, Buicks were regarded as some of the finest cars ever made. From the first Buicks through the birth of General Motors and into history, this is the compelling story of the partnership that eventually became the basis for the largest company in the world."
46.97 min. | 5.0 user rating

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Louis Chevrolet and William Durant - AutoWeek Tweet this news
AutoWeek--Chevrolet wasn't an industry founder along the lines of Henry Ford or Ransom Olds. His name ended up on cars because of William Crapo Durant, who was also responsible for the global legacy of the name of -David Dunbar Buick-. ... - Date : Tue, 17 May 2011 19:51:03 GMT+00:00

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