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The 14" 14C-C1F model of the C1 NES TV.
TitleC1 NES TV
CaptionThe 14" 14C-C1F model of the C1 NES TV.
TypeVideo game console
LifespanJPN 1983 - 1989
NA 1989
CPURicoh 2A03 8-bit processor
MediaROM cartridge ("Game Pak")
Controllers2 Controller Ports
PredecessorNintendo Entertainment System NES-001
SuccessorSF-1 SNES TV

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|} (also known as the

|}) is a television produced by Sharp Corporation with a built-in licensed Nintendo Entertainment System. Originally released in Japan, the unit was released in the US in 1989 as the Sharp Nintendo Television. The C1 NES TV is notable for having provided the high-quality screenshots displayed in video game magazines of the period, due to its having slightly better picture quality than the NES.

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