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Belgian Senate

Background Color#EE0000
Text Color#FFF4CE
NameBelgian Senate
Native Name 
Legislature53rd legislature, ordinary session 2010-2011
House TypeUpper house
Leader1 TypePresident
Leader1Danny Pieters
Election1July 20, 2010
Leader2 TypeFirst
Leader2Willy Demeyer
Election2July 20, 2010
Leader3 TypeSecond
Leader3Armand De Decker
Election3July 20, 2010
Leader4 TypeThird
Leader4Helga Stevens
Election4July 20, 2010
Members71 (+3)
40 directly elected senators,
21 Community senators,
10 co-opted senators,
plus 3 senators by right
Last Election1June 13, 2010
Session RoomBrussel Parlementsgebouw.jpg
Meeting PlacePalace of the Nation, Brussels

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The Belgian Senate (Dutch: , , ) is one of the two chambers of the bicameral Federal Parliament of Belgium, the other being the Chamber of Representatives. It is considered to be the "upper house" of the Federal Parliament.

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