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Assamese language

Nativenameঅসমীয়া Ôxômiya
StatesIndia, Bhutan & US (Delaware, New Jersey & New York)
RegionAssam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland - (Assamese or a dialogue variant of Assamese) and some other parts of North-East India and smaller pockets of speakers in Pune - Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Bangalore, Karnataka, among others
Speakers10 M+ (13 million plus speakers: 13,168,484 [12,778,735 + 389,749 {other} (in 2001) and 15.4 M worldwide speakers (Encarta 2007 estimate)
Fam4Eastern Group
ScriptAssamese script
NationIndia (Assam)
AgencyAssam Sahitya Sabha (literature/rhetorical congress of Assam)

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Assamese ( ) (-bnɔxɔmija) is the easternmost Indo-Aryan language. It is used mainly in the state of Assam in North-East India. It is also the official language of Assam. It is also spoken in parts of Arunachal Pradesh and other northeast Indian states. Nagamese, an Assamese-based Creole language is widely used in Nagaland and parts of Assam. Small pockets of Assamese speakers can be found in Bhutan. The easternmost of Indo-European languages, it is spoken by over 13 million people.

Assamese has derived its phonetic character set and its behaviour from Sanskrit. It is written using the Assamese script. Assamese is written from left to right and top to bottom, in the same manner as English. A large number of ligatures are possible since potentially all the consonants can combine with one another. Vowels can either be independent or dependent upon a consonant or a consonant cluster.

The English word "Assamese" is built on the same principle as "Japanese", "Taiwanese", etc. It is based on the name "Assam" by which the tract consisting of the Brahmaputra valley was known. The people call their state and their language .

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