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Algerian War

Algerian War
Military Conflict
ConflictAlgerian War of Independence
Date1 November 1954 � 19 March 1962
ResultÉvian Accords, Algerian independence, exodus of the Pieds-Noirs
Algeria FLN
France France
(1960 � 61)
Organisation armée secrète (OAS)
(1961 � 62)
Mohamed Si Moussa Benahmed
Saadi Yacef
Mustapha Benboulaïd†
Ferhat Abbas
Houari Boumedienne
Hocine Aït Ahmed
Ahmed Ben Bella
Krim Belkacem
Larbi Ben M'Hidi
Rabah Bitat
Mohamed Boudiaf
Messali Hadj
Paul Cherrière (1954 � 55)
Henri Lorillot (1955 � 56)
Raoul Salan (1956 � 58)
Maurice Challe (1958 � 60)
Jean Crepin (1960 � 61)
Fernand Gambiez (1961)
Guilain P. Denoeux (1961 � 62)
Said Boualam
Pierre Lagaillarde
Raoul Salan
Edmond Jouhaud
Jean-Jacques Susini
15,000 at its peak, 45,000 for all the war.
90,000 Harki
3,000 (OAS)
153,000 dead, 160,000 wounded
1,500,000 dead according to the Algerian government
960,000 dead according to historians 
25,600 dead
65,000 wounded
100 dead (OAS)
2,000 jailed (OAS)

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The Algerian War, ( Thawra Jazā’irīya, "Algerian Revolution"; ), was a conflict between France and Algerian independence movements from 1954 to 1962, which led to Algeria's gaining its independence from France. An important decolonization war, it was a complex conflict characterized by guerrilla warfare, maquis fighting, terrorism against civilians, the use of torture on both sides, and counter-terrorism operations by the French Army. The conflict was also a civil war between loyalist Algerian Muslims who believed in a French Algeria and their insurrectionist Algerian counterparts. Effectively started by members of the National Liberation Front (FLN) on November 1, 1954, during the Toussaint Rouge ("Red All Saints' Day"), the conflict shook the foundations of the French Fourth Republic (1946 � 58) and led to its eventual collapse.

The war involved a large number of rival movements which fought against each other at different moments, such as on the independence side, when the FLN fought viciously against the Algerian National Movement (MNA) in Algeria and in the Café Wars on the French mainland; on the pro-French side, during its final months, when the conflict evolved into a civil war between pro-French hardliners in Algeria and supporters of General Charles de Gaulle. The French Army split during two attempted coups, while the right-wing Organisation de l'armée secrète (OAS) fought against both the FLN and the French government's forces.

Under directives from Guy Mollet's French Section of the Workers' International (SFIO) government and from François Mitterrand, who was minister of the interior, the French Army initiated a campaign of "pacification" of what was considered at the time to be a full part of France. This "public-order operation" quickly grew to a full-scale war. Algerians, who had at first largely favored a peaceful resolution, turned increasingly toward the goal of independence, supported by other Arab countries and, more generally, by worldwide opinion fueled by anti-colonialist ideas. Meanwhile, the French were divided on the issues of "French Algeria" (l'Algérie Française), specifically, concerning whether to keep the status-quo, negotiate a status intermediate between independence and complete integration in the French Republic, or allow complete independence. The French army finally obtained a military victory in the war, but the situation had changed, and Algerian independence could no longer be forestalled.

Because of the instability in France, the French Fourth Republic was dissolved. Charles de Gaulle returned to power during the May 1958 crisis and subsequently founded the Fifth Republic with his Gaullist followers. De Gaulle's return to power was supposed to ensure Algeria's continued occupation and integration with the French Community, which had replaced the French Union and brought together the France's colonies. However, de Gaulle progressively shifted in favor of Algerian independence, purportedly seeing it as inevitable. De Gaulle organized a vote for the Algerian people. The Algerians chose independence, and France engaged in negotiations with the FLN, leading to the March 1962 Evian Accords, which resulted in the independence of Algeria.

After the failed April 1961 Algiers putsch, organized by generals hostile to the negotiations headed by Michel Debré's Gaullist government, the OAS (Organisation de l'armée secrète), which grouped various opponents of Algerian independence, initiated a campaign of bombings. It also initated peaceful strikes and demonstrations in Algeria in order to block the implementation of the Evian Accords and the exile of the pieds-noirs (Algerians of European origin). Ahmed Ben Bella, who had been arrested in 1956 along with other FLN leaders, became the first President of Algeria.

To this day, the war has provided an important strategy frame for counter-insurgency thinkers, while the use of torture by the French Army has provoked a moral and political debate on the legitimacy and effectiveness of such methods. This debate is far from being settled because torture was used by both sides.

The Algerian war was a founding event in modern Algerian history. It left long-standing scars in both French and Algerian societies and continues to affect some segments of society in both countries. It was not until June 1999, 37 years after the conclusion of the conflict, that the French National Assembly officially acknowledged that a "war" had taken place, while the Paris massacre of 1961 was recognized by the French state only in October 2001. On the other hand, the Oran massacre of 1962 by the FLN has also not yet been recognized by the Algerian state. Relations between France and Algeria are still deeply marked by this conflict and its aftermath.

Algerian War Video

algerian algeria cairo france mohamed bouteflika algerie émeutes riots maroc arabe england USA islam police ben ali egypt husni mubarak TUNISIE tunis news world war street israel ÙØ­Ùد بÙعزÙز٠tunisie egypt football اÙجزائر اÙÙغرب بÙتÙÙÙÙØ© تÙÙس Ø¥ÙتÙاضة حسÙÙ Ùبار٠حر٠اÙعرا٠اÙعرب اÙإسÙا٠إسرائÙÙ Ùصر اÙÙاÙرة Ùصر اÙجزائر اÙÙغرب تÙÙس اÙÙÙÙت دب٠اÙØ¥Ùارات Ùطر اÙسÙدا٠اÙبحرÙÙ ÙبÙا٠ÙÙسطÙ٠اÙأرد٠عÙا٠ÙÙبÙا ا سÙرÙا اÙعرا٠اÙعرب اÙخبر اÙأسبÙع٠اÙجزÙرة اÙعربÙØ© Ùرة اÙÙد٠اÙعاصÙØ© اÙÙاÙرة اÙÙÙ٠اÙÙغرب اÙعار تÙÙس اÙساح٠اÙترج٠اÙØ¥ÙرÙÙ٠عÙاء ÙبارÙØ ÙØ­ÙÙد ÙاسÙÙØ ÙØ­ÙÙد عبداÙعزÙØ²Ø Ø­Ø³ÙÙ ÙÙÙÙØ ØµÙاح اÙسعداÙÙØ ÙسرÙØ ÙÙÙ٠عبدÙØ Ø¥ÙÙا٠شÙÙÙØ ÙÙدÙØ Ø´Ø¹Ø¨Ø§Ù Ø¹Ø¨Ø¯Ø§ÙرحÙÙØ Ø´Ø±ÙÙ ÙÙÙØ±Ø ØªØ§Ùر حسÙÙØ Ùرتض٠ÙÙصÙØ±Ø ÙØ­Ùد ÙØ¤Ø§Ø¯Ø Ùاجد اÙÙØµØ±Ù Ø ÙØ­Ùد Ø³Ø¹Ø¯Ø ÙØ­Ùد عطÙØ©, أحÙد اÙسÙØ§Ø Ø Ø¹Ùر٠أدÙب, أحÙد ÙÙسÙØ Ø³ÙÙر زاÙر أحÙد بدÙØ±Ø Ùتح٠عبد اÙÙÙابØØ ÙصطÙ٠اÙبÙرÙØ Ø±ÙÙا٠سعÙد ٠اÙبÙاÙÙتÙÙ ÙÙÙاء ÙÙب٠٠ÙاÙس٠عجر٠شÙبÙر Ùص اسÙا٠حسا٠Ùش٠اÙÙستÙر اÙجزÙرة تعÙÙ٠اÙØ´ÙØ® ÙضÙحة جÙسÙØ© ÙÙطة ÙصحÙØ© ادخ٠ÙØ´Ù٠جÙعة اÙغضب اÙعش٠اÙÙÙÙÙع سعÙد٠ÙÙ٠شات سعÙد٠Ùا٠صÙت٠اÙاسطÙر٠ÙÙاÙ٠تÙشاÙÙ Ùرا Ùرا سعÙد٠Ùا٠سعÙد٠ÙÙ٠شات صÙت٠سعÙد٠Ùا٠شات صÙاع٠دردش٠صÙÙ Ùا٠شات اÙغÙا شات بÙت ابÙ٠دردش٠عرب سعÙدÙ٠شات صÙت٠بÙت ابÙ٠رÙ٠بÙات اÙسعÙدÙ٠سعÙد٠Ùا٠سعÙد٠صÙÙ Ùا٠اÙغÙا عرب تÙ٠اÙرÙاض سعÙد٠ÙاÙ٠سعÙد٠ÙÙÙ ÙرÙب اÙÙÙÙÙ ÙÙاÙ٠تÙشاÙÙ Ùرا اÙ٠بÙت سعÙدÙ٠تغÙ٠راب اÙÙ ÙاÙÙÙ ÙÙر بÙت تغÙ٠راب ÙÙÙ٠اÙÙسرات Ø­ÙÙÙ٠بÙÙÙد اÙÙسا ÙÙÙا ÙÙب٠ÙÙÙد سعÙد٠سعÙد٠Ùا٠شات صÙت٠بÙات اÙرÙاض اÙغÙا
0.55 min. | 4.58 user rating
اÙØ«Ùرة اÙجزائرÙØ© la guerre d'Algérie
5.53 min. | 4.91 user rating
Desperate France throws its full military might into the Algerian war. France deployed 400.000 soldiers of its best troops and built up its military establishment to peak strength. Events recorded by Western media on 21 May 1956. ------------------------------------ For the truth to be known. For the truth to triumph.
1.17 min. | 4.81 user rating
اÙÙÙÙ, اÙعراÙ, اÙاردÙ, ÙÙسطÙÙ, ÙبÙاÙ, سÙرÙا, Ùصر, تÙÙس, اÙجزائر' اÙÙغرب, ÙÙبÙا' اÙسÙدا٠Ùصر اÙاÙÙ٠اÙزÙاÙ٠اÙاسÙاعÙÙ٠اÙدÙر٠اÙÙصر٠اسرائÙ٠تÙÙس اÙجزائر اÙÙغرب اÙسعÙدÙØ© اÙعرا٠عÙر٠دÙاب ÙÙاة اسرائÙÙ ÙÙسطÙÙ ÙÙر اÙÙÙ٠اÙÙاسÙÙÙØ© اÙصÙÙÙÙÙØ© Ø­ÙÙÙØ© اÙعاÙ٠اÙعÙÙاÙÙØ© شعر اغÙÙØ© اÙÙسÙÙÙ٠اÙاسÙا٠اÙÙسÙØ­ÙØ© اÙØ´ÙØ® اÙشعراÙ٠ا٠ÙÙØ«Ù٠جراÙÙÙ egypt سÙسÙØ© اÙÙادÙÙÙ the arrivals polisario, islam, tariq ramadan, zidane, chaabi, malik, LIBERTE, egypte, maroc, tunisie, rap muslim, sidi bouzid, mohamed bouazizi اÙأربعاء 2 Ùارس tarjama = nta a7ssab tbib = howa lamrakab taksiyata Laghdawat kaswa dyal intervyo. اÙÙÙÙ, اÙعراÙ, اÙاردÙ, ÙÙسطÙÙ, ÙبÙاÙ, سÙرÙا, Ùصر, تÙÙس, اÙجزائر' اÙÙغرب, ÙÙبÙا' اÙسÙدا٠Ùصر اÙاÙÙ٠اÙزÙاÙ٠اÙاسÙاعÙÙ٠اÙدÙر٠اÙÙصر٠اسرائÙ٠تÙÙس اÙجزائر اÙÙغرب اÙسعÙدÙØ© اÙعرا٠عÙر٠دÙاب ÙÙاة اسرائÙÙ ÙÙسطÙÙ ÙÙر اÙÙÙ٠اÙÙاسÙÙÙØ© اÙصÙÙÙÙÙØ© Ø­ÙÙÙØ© اÙعاÙ٠اÙعÙÙاÙÙØ© شعر اغÙÙØ© اÙÙسÙÙÙ٠اÙاسÙا٠اÙÙسÙØ­ÙØ© اÙØ´ÙØ® اÙشعراÙ٠ا٠ÙÙØ«Ù٠جراÙÙÙ ÙظاÙرات ÙÙ٠اÙغضب 25/1 Ù٠اÙإسÙÙدرÙØ©ÙظاÙرات ÙÙ٠اÙغضب 25/1 Ù٠اÙإسÙÙدرÙØ© algerian algeria cairo france mohamed bouteflika algerie émeutes riots maroc arabe england USA islam police ben ali egypt husni mubarak TUNISIE tunis news world war street israel ÙØ­Ùد بÙعزÙز٠tunisie egypt football اÙجزائر اÙÙغرب بÙتÙÙÙÙØ© تÙÙس Ø¥ÙتÙاضة حسÙÙ Ùبار٠حر٠اÙعرا٠اÙعرب اÙإسÙا٠إسرائÙÙ Ùصر اÙÙاÙرة Ùصر اÙجزائر اÙÙغرب تÙÙس اÙÙÙÙت دب٠اÙØ¥Ùارات Ùطر اÙسÙدا٠اÙبحرÙÙ ÙبÙا٠ÙÙسطÙ٠اÙأرد٠عÙا٠ÙÙبÙا ا سÙرÙا اÙعرا٠اÙعرب اÙخبر اÙأسبÙع٠اÙجزÙرة اÙعربÙØ© Ùرة اÙÙد٠اÙعاصÙØ© اÙÙاÙرة اÙÙÙ٠اÙÙغرب اÙعار تÙÙس <b>...</b>
0.58 min. | 5.0 user rating
Diary of a Private Military Contractor, episode 1 is a story of my Iraq experiences in 2003 to 2004. I go through basic training, rediscover my family's military history, and bond with my father who was a veteran of the Algerian War of 1956.
7.55 min. | 4.09 user rating
French President Charles De Gaulle and the Six-Year War. Part 1 covers the era from the November 1, 1954 (Toussaint Rouge) to the Algiers coup d'Etat of May 13, 1958 (putsch d'Alger de 1958). US documentary, about the Algerian war, written by Maurice Schonfeld in 1960, hence the era of 1960 to 1962 which saw a rebel faction of the French army with French settlers (OAS) fighting the French Army is not included.
9.22 min. | 4.13 user rating
- عاج٠- Ø´Ùادة خطÙرة جدا ضد اÙرئÙس ٠اÙØ­ÙÙÙØ© اÙتÙÙسÙØ© - احداث تÙÙس اÙحاÙÙØ© - .ÙتعÙÙØ© بÙÙاط٠اشتغ٠ÙÙساعد اÙÙستشار اÙاÙÙ ÙرئÙس تÙÙس احداث تÙÙس اÙحاÙÙØ© - algerian algeria cairo france mohamed bouteflika algerie émeutes riots maroc arabe england USA islam police ben ali egypt husni mubarak TUNISIE tunis news world war street israel ÙØ­Ùد بÙعزÙز٠tunisie egypt football اÙجزائر اÙÙغرب بÙتÙÙÙÙØ© تÙÙس Ø¥ÙتÙاضة حسÙÙ Ùبار٠حر٠اÙعرا٠اÙعرب اÙإسÙا٠إسرائÙÙ Ùصر اÙÙاÙرة Ùصر اÙجزائر اÙÙغرب تÙÙس اÙÙÙÙت دب٠اÙØ¥Ùارات Ùطر اÙسÙدا٠اÙبحرÙÙ ÙبÙا٠ÙÙسطÙ٠اÙأرد٠عÙا٠ÙÙبÙا ا سÙرÙا اÙعرا٠اÙعرب اÙخبر اÙأسبÙع٠اÙجزÙرة اÙعربÙØ© Ùرة اÙÙد٠اÙعاصÙØ© اÙÙاÙرة اÙÙÙ٠اÙÙغرب اÙعار تÙÙس اÙساح٠اÙترج٠اÙØ¥ÙرÙÙ٠عÙاء ÙبارÙØ ÙØ­ÙÙد ÙاسÙÙØ ÙØ­ÙÙد عبداÙعزÙØ²Ø Ø­Ø³ÙÙ ÙÙÙÙØ ØµÙاح اÙسعداÙÙØ ÙسرÙØ ÙÙÙ٠عبدÙØ Ø¥ÙÙا٠شÙÙÙØ ÙÙدÙØ Ø´Ø¹Ø¨Ø§Ù Ø¹Ø¨Ø¯Ø§ÙرحÙÙØ Ø´Ø±ÙÙ ÙÙÙØ±Ø ØªØ§Ùر حسÙÙØ Ùرتض٠ÙÙصÙØ±Ø ÙØ­Ùد ÙØ¤Ø§Ø¯Ø Ùاجد اÙÙØµØ±Ù Ø ÙØ­Ùد Ø³Ø¹Ø¯Ø ÙØ­Ùد عطÙØ©, أحÙد اÙسÙØ§Ø Ø Ø¹Ùر٠أدÙب, أحÙد ÙÙسÙØ Ø³ÙÙر زاÙر أحÙد بدÙØ±Ø Ùتح٠عبد اÙÙÙابØØ ÙصطÙ٠اÙبÙرÙØ Ø±ÙÙا٠سعÙد ٠اÙبÙاÙÙتÙÙ ÙÙÙاء ÙÙب٠٠ÙاÙس٠عجر٠شÙبÙر Ùص اسÙا٠حسا٠Ùش٠اÙÙستÙر اÙجزÙرة تعÙÙ٠اÙØ´ÙØ® ÙضÙحة جÙسÙØ© ÙÙطة ÙصحÙØ© ادخ٠ÙØ´Ù٠جÙعة اÙغضب اÙعش٠اÙÙÙÙÙع سعÙد٠ÙÙ٠شات سعÙد٠Ùا٠صÙت٠اÙاسطÙر٠ÙÙاÙ٠تÙشاÙÙ Ùرا Ùرا سعÙد٠Ùا٠سعÙد٠ÙÙ٠شات صÙت٠سعÙد٠Ùا٠شات صÙاع٠دردش٠صÙÙ Ùا٠شات اÙغÙا شات بÙت ابÙ٠دردش٠عرب سعÙدÙ٠شات صÙت٠بÙت ابÙ٠رÙ٠بÙات اÙسعÙدÙ٠سعÙد٠Ùا٠سعÙد٠صÙÙ Ùا٠اÙغÙا عرب تÙ٠اÙرÙاض سعÙد٠ÙاÙ٠سعÙد٠ÙÙÙ ÙرÙب اÙÙÙÙÙ ÙÙاÙ٠تÙشاÙÙ Ùرا اÙ٠بÙت سعÙدÙ٠تغÙ٠راب اÙÙ ÙاÙÙÙ ÙÙر بÙت تغÙ٠راب ÙÙÙ٠اÙÙسرات Ø­ÙÙÙ٠بÙÙÙد <b>...</b>
8.08 min. | 5.0 user rating
algerian algeria cairo france mohamed bouteflika algerie émeutes riots maroc arabe england USA islam police ben ali egypt husni mubarak TUNISIE tunis news world war street israel ÙØ­Ùد بÙعزÙز٠tunisie egypt football اÙجزائر اÙÙغرب بÙتÙÙÙÙØ© تÙÙس Ø¥ÙتÙاضة حسÙÙ Ùبار٠حر٠اÙعرا٠اÙعرب اÙإسÙا٠إسرائÙÙ Ùصر اÙÙاÙرة Ùصر اÙجزائر اÙÙغرب تÙÙس اÙÙÙÙت دب٠اÙØ¥Ùارات Ùطر اÙسÙدا٠اÙبحرÙÙ ÙبÙا٠ÙÙسطÙ٠اÙأرد٠عÙا٠ÙÙبÙا ا سÙرÙا اÙعرا٠اÙعرب اÙخبر اÙأسبÙع٠اÙجزÙرة اÙعربÙØ© Ùرة اÙÙد٠اÙعاصÙØ© اÙÙاÙرة اÙÙÙ٠اÙÙغرب اÙعار تÙÙس اÙساح٠اÙترج٠اÙØ¥ÙرÙÙ٠عÙاء ÙبارÙØ ÙØ­ÙÙد ÙاسÙÙØ ÙØ­ÙÙد عبداÙعزÙØ²Ø Ø­Ø³ÙÙ ÙÙÙÙØ ØµÙاح اÙسعداÙÙØ ÙسرÙØ ÙÙÙ٠عبدÙØ Ø¥ÙÙا٠شÙÙÙØ ÙÙدÙØ Ø´Ø¹Ø¨Ø§Ù Ø¹Ø¨Ø¯Ø§ÙرحÙÙØ Ø´Ø±ÙÙ ÙÙÙØ±Ø ØªØ§Ùر حسÙÙØ Ùرتض٠ÙÙصÙØ±Ø ÙØ­Ùد ÙØ¤Ø§Ø¯Ø Ùاجد اÙÙØµØ±Ù Ø ÙØ­Ùد Ø³Ø¹Ø¯Ø ÙØ­Ùد عطÙØ©, أحÙد اÙسÙØ§Ø Ø Ø¹Ùر٠أدÙب, أحÙد ÙÙسÙØ Ø³ÙÙر زاÙر أحÙد بدÙØ±Ø Ùتح٠عبد اÙÙÙابØØ ÙصطÙ٠اÙبÙرÙØ Ø±ÙÙا٠سعÙد ٠اÙبÙاÙÙتÙÙ ÙÙÙاء ÙÙب٠٠ÙاÙس٠عجر٠شÙبÙر Ùص اسÙا٠حسا٠Ùش٠اÙÙستÙر اÙجزÙرة تعÙÙ٠اÙØ´ÙØ® ÙضÙحة جÙسÙØ© ÙÙطة ÙصحÙØ© ادخ٠ÙØ´Ù٠جÙعة اÙغضب اÙعش٠اÙÙÙÙÙع سعÙد٠ÙÙ٠شات سعÙد٠Ùا٠صÙت٠اÙاسطÙر٠ÙÙاÙ٠تÙشاÙÙ Ùرا Ùرا سعÙد٠Ùا٠سعÙد٠ÙÙ٠شات صÙت٠سعÙد٠Ùا٠شات صÙاع٠دردش٠صÙÙ Ùا٠شات اÙغÙا شات بÙت ابÙ٠دردش٠عرب سعÙدÙ٠شات صÙت٠بÙت ابÙ٠رÙ٠بÙات اÙسعÙدÙ٠سعÙد٠Ùا٠سعÙد٠صÙÙ Ùا٠اÙغÙا عرب تÙ٠اÙرÙاض سعÙد٠ÙاÙ٠سعÙد٠ÙÙÙ ÙرÙب اÙÙÙÙÙ ÙÙاÙ٠تÙشاÙÙ Ùرا اÙ٠بÙت سعÙدÙ٠تغÙ٠راب اÙÙ ÙاÙÙÙ ÙÙر بÙت تغÙ٠راب ÙÙÙ٠اÙÙسرات Ø­ÙÙÙ٠بÙÙÙد اÙÙسا ÙÙÙا ÙÙب٠ÙÙÙد سعÙد٠سعÙد٠Ùا٠شات صÙت٠بÙات اÙرÙاض اÙغÙا
2.90 min. | 5.0 user rating
THE WAR OFALGERIA ALLAHU AKBAR TAHYA EL DJAZAIR LAlgérie (arabe : اÙجزائر, tamazight: Dzayer), officiellement la République algérienne démocratique et populaire, est un Ãtat dAfrique du Nord qui fait partie du Maghreb. Sa capitale, Alger, est située au nord, sur la côte méditerranéenne. Avec une superficie de 2 381 741 km², c'est le plus grand pays bordant la Méditerranée et le deuxième plus étendu d'Afrique après le Soudan. Il partage des frontières terrestres au nord-est avec la Tunisie, à l'est avec la Libye, au sud avec le Niger et le Mali, au sud-ouest avec la Mauritanie et le territoire contesté du Sahara occidental, et à louest avec le Maroc. LAlgérie est membre de l'Organisation des Nations unies (ONU), de lUnion africaine (UA) et de la Ligue des Ãtats arabes pratiquement depuis son indépendance, en 1962. Elle a intégré l'Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole (OPEP) en 1969. En février 1989, l'Algérie a pris part, avec les autres Ãtats maghrébins, à la création de l'organisation de lUnion du Maghreb arabe (UMA). La Constitution algérienne définit « l'islam, larabité et lamazighité » comme « composantes fondamentales » de l'identité du peuple algérien et le pays comme « terre dIslam, partie intégrante du Grand Maghreb, méditerranéen et africain. tags/ اÙجزائر تارÙØ® اÙحرب اÙاستعÙار اÙÙرÙس٠FRANCE WAR jihad ISLAM RELEGION OF PEACE اÙØ«Ùرة اÙجزائرÙØ© Ùجزائر اÙعرب algerie army force algerian alger algiers gspc guerre اÙجزائر٠اÙجÙØ´ Ø­Ùاس ÙÙسطÙ٠اسرائÙ٠اÙاسÙا٠حزب <b>...</b>
8.42 min. | 5.0 user rating
A film commissioned by the Algerian government that shows the Algerian revolution from both sides. The French foreign legion has left Vietnam in defeat and has something to prove. The Algerians are seeking independence. The two clash. The torture used by the French is contrasted with the Algerian's use of bombs in soda shops. A look at war as a nasty thing that harms and sullies everyone who participates in it. Watch "The battle of Algiers" at your favorite Classic TV Channel:
4.08 min. | 5.0 user rating

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Chaos and counter-revolution - Tweet this news army will let the Brotherhood gain power, and then use this as an excuse to crush democracy, he explained, recounting in his mind the events that led to the -Algerian- civil -war- in 1992. revolutionaries to counter-revolutionaries in t - Date : Mon, 09 May 2011 13:07:07 GMT+00:00
French Football Rocked by Allegations of Quotas on Non-White Players - The Faster Times Tweet this news
The Faster Times--It was supposed to be an image that would take France into the 21 st century, leaving behind the bloody tragedies of the French--Algerian War- and a series of urban riots. It was a reflection of France's ethnic diversity, and the go - Date : Sat, 30 Apr 2011 23:04:59 GMT+00:00
Terrorists, Heroes, and the Movies - CultureMob (blog) Tweet this news
CultureMob (blog)--It chronicled the struggle of French -Algerian war- from 1954-1962 and showed how a relatively small Islamic country overthrew a powerful, modern Western Nation. The film depicts the cyclical nature of violence in urban guerilla warfare - Date : Mon, 09 May 2011 19:50:34 GMT+00:00
Current events give added truth to Outside The Law - Evening Standard Tweet this news
Evening Standard--The -Algerian War- of 1954-62 left many a scar on the French as well as the local population, and Rachid Bouchareb scratches every one of them so they bleed in his story of three Algerian farming brothers who end up as leaders of the ... - Date : Fri, 06 May 2011 10:09:09 GMT+00:00
Killing Osama will not kill the state of terror - NewsClick Tweet this news
NewsClick--I am reminded of the moral issues in the -Algerian war-. While the French bombed the Algerians from the air, the Algerian resistance used basket bombs left near targets to attack the French. On being told that this was a cowardly and terrorist - Date : Fri, 06 May 2011 11:04:56 GMT+00:00
Artists depict Algeria's troubled past and changing future - Media Newswire (press release) Tweet this news
Media Newswire (press release)--Among the subjects illustrated by the ten artists are everyday Algerian life and the -Algerian War- when up to a million people died. They also probe current relations in a globalised era, as the 50th anniversary of Algeria - Date : Tue, 12 Apr 2011 01:09:23 GMT+00:00
Year of the boomerang? Frantz Fanon and the Arab uprisings - Open Democracy Tweet this news
Open Democracy--In 1954 the Algerian people had risen en masse against French colonizers who had ruled them brutally for more than a century. The -Algerian War- for Independence lasted eight years, ending with the expulsion of the French in 1962. ... - Date : Mon, 11 Apr 2011 14:24:33 GMT+00:00
Film on monks' tragedy a profound meditation on discipleship's cost - Catholic San Francisco Tweet this news
Catholic San Francisco--The film recounts the fate of a small community of French Trappists living in Algeria during that nation's civil -war- in the 1990s. Targeted by violent Muslim extremists - the -Algerian- conflict pitted militant Islamists aga - Date : Wed, 09 Mar 2011 08:14:12 GMT+00:00
Le Pen Is Mightier - The Weekly Standard Tweet this news
The Weekly Standard--Founded by -Algerian War- veteran Jean-Marie Le Pen, anathematized in the media, manipulated by Socialist president François Mitterrand as a means of dividing his opponents, it was embraced by ex-colonists, ex-Communists, and the une - Date : Sat, 05 Mar 2011 13:10:19 GMT+00:00
Outside the Law - San Francisco Chronicle Tweet this news
San Francisco Chronicle---...- massacre of demonstrators and details guerrilla operations in France by the FLN (Front de Libération Nationale) through the end of the -Algerian War-. ... - Date : Fri, 11 Feb 2011 19:14:31 GMT+00:00

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