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Administrative county

NameAdministrative county
TerritoryEngland and Wales and Ireland
Start DateEngland and Wales 1889
Start Date2Ireland 1899
Legislation BeginLocal Government Act 1888
Legislation Begin2Local Government (Ireland) Act 1898
Legislation EndLocal Government (Boundaries) Act (Northern Ireland) 1971
Legislation End1Local Government Act 1972
Legislation End3Local Government Act 2001
End DateNorthern Ireland 1973
End Date1England and Wales 1974
End Date3Republic of Ireland 2002
GovernmentCounty council
SubdivisionRural district
Subdivision1Urban district
Subdivision2Municipal borough

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An administrative county was an administrative division in England and Wales and Ireland used for the purposes of local government. They are now abolished, although in Northern Ireland their former areas are used as the basis for lieutenancy.

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