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Aboriginal peoples in Canada

Aboriginal peoples in Canada
Aboriginal Canadian personalities
Joe Capilano Ovide Mercredi Eel Ground
Abraham Ulrikab Tanya Tagaq Qulliq
Louis Riel Tony Whitford Tom Jackson
CaptionAboriginal Canadian personalities
Joe Capilano Ovide Mercredi Eel Ground
Abraham Ulrikab Tanya Tagaq Qulliq
Louis Riel Tony Whitford Tom Jackson
LanguagesAboriginal languages, Canadian English and Canadian French
ReligionsChristian (mainly Roman Catholicism and Anglican), traditional beliefs

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Aboriginal peoples in Canada comprise the First Nations, Inuit and Métis. The descriptors "Indian" and "Eskimo" are falling into disuse in Canada. Old Crow Flats and Bluefish Caves are some of the earliest archaeological sites of human habitation in Canada. The Paleo-Indian Clovis, Plano cultures and Pre-Dorset pre-date American indigenous and Inuit cultures. Projectile point tools, spears, pottery, bangles, chisels and scrapers mark archaeological sites, thus distinguishing cultural periods, traditions and lithic reduction styles.

The characteristics of Canadian Aboriginal civilizations included permanent settlements, agriculture, civic and ceremonial architecture, complex societal hierarchies and trading networks. The Métis culture of mixed blood originated in the mid-17th century when First Nation and native Inuit married European settlers. The Inuit had more limited interaction with European settlers during that early period. Various laws, treaties, and legislation have been enacted between European immigrants and First Nations across Canada. Aboriginal Right to Self-Government provides opportunity to manage historical, cultural, political, health care and economic control aspects within first people's communities.

As of the 2006 census, Aboriginal peoples in Canada totaled 1,172,790 people, or 3.8% of the national population, spread over 600 recognized First Nations governments or bands with distinctive cultures, languages, art, and music. National Aboriginal Day recognises the cultures and contributions of Aboriginals to the history of Canada. First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples of all backgrounds have become prominent figures and have served as role models in the Aboriginal community and help to shape the Canadian cultural identity.

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