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Aardvark (search engine)

Aardvark (search engine)
Website information
Available languagesEnglish
LaunchedEarly 2008
Alexa rank(-) 40,541
Current statusActive

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Aardvark was a social search service that connects users live with friends or friends-of-friends who are able to answer their questions, also known as a knowledge market. Users submit questions via the Aardvark website, email or instant messenger and Aardvark identifies and facilitates a live chat or email conversation with one or more topic experts in the asker's extended social network. Aardvark may be used for asking subjective questions for which human judgment or recommendation is desired. It is also used extensively for technical support questions. Users can also review question and answer history and other settings on the Aardvark website. Google acquired Aardvark for $50 million on February 11, 2010.

In September 2011, Google announced it would discontinue a number of its products, including Aardvark.

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